Chapter 3

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When I woke it was freezing, anyone without a blanket would freeze to death. But, when I opened my door Andrew was there. Curled up in a ball like a large child.
Getting on my knees, I tilted my head to look at him. I had wished yesterday was a dream. But here we are.
Just like the order receipt said, he's eyelashes were really long; like a girls'.
My fingers traveled to his face. His jawline was square. There was a mole by his lip I traced. His eyebrows were straight and his cheeks... I drew circles on his flushed red cheeks. Damn he'd be a hit with girls his age. I had to be at least 3 years older than him, but then again, he was a vampire. My thumb brushed over his right eye, before it opened. His big gray pupils bored into mine.

I didn't even have the chance to flinch before his slender fingers squeezed around my wrist.

"What are you doing?" He asked. His voice low and raspy from drowsiness. I tried pulling my wrist away.

"I was just checking on you... and that hurts," I said glaring. His brows rose under his mess of hair before letting me go. I rubbed my wrist. He was so strong. What would I do if he lost it? "Why are you sleeping in front of my door anyway? It's cold," I said tugging on my robe. His pupils drifted away to the floor.

" you think?" His voice just above a whisper.

"I don't know, I was hoping you'd tell me."


"Well what?" He looked at me.

"It was dark last night,"he said. It was quiet for a little before I grabbed my side; a laugh rumbled from my stomach. He watched me curiously, a small pout on his bruised pink lips.

"What?" He said.

"I thought it was something serious, like a deer had broken into my window again." His eyes perked up changing to a light yellow.

"You have deer here?" He asked.

"They just come around my house sometimes,and you know; crap everywhere, eat up my lawn. All the good stuff really." I rolled my eyes, I hate deers. And yet, his enthralled face made me... "Maybe I'll show you sometime." I said. I grinned and he looked away. "Now let's eat breakfast and maybe..." go shopping... but i couldn't say it.
4. Do not allow your vampire outside your home in public.
Even though I was sure he wasn't a doll...the rules scared me. The fact that I have a grown man in the house scared me. I pressed a smile.

"Maybe we'll look for a deer later?" I said. That was a safer option, I guess. After brushing our teeth I made breakfast, or tried to at least. The sweet salty bacon grease's aroma blew in the air, my stomach crawled; even though I was the one cooking.

He watched me from the dining room. His pale arms were crossed on the table and his head rested on them. Those bushy eyebrows were creased. His gaze was awkward, as if he was trying to figure out if I was friend or foe.

I started playing some music. To be exact, old songs I used to listen to when I was a kid. Like what am I to you, by Steven universe. And things went downhill from there.

I was kinda an oddball myself so, after trying to silently hum the lyrics I ended up singing them, and then dancing. And it wasn't even good dancing, it was white girl dancing with a spatula in my hand.

A small chuckle came from behind me and I turned to the menace. When our eyes met he laughed, dropping his head. His voice was rich like a soft breeze in the air. I glared at him, and he shook his head.

"Someone's happy" I muttered under my breath, bringing him some jam toast and bacon. I sat across from him, tearing into my plate without any hesitation.

I stopped eating when I realized he wasn't. He was watching me, somewhat amused.

"Why'd you stop eating?" He asked. His head rested on his cross fingers. "I see how humans eat but."

"What?" He looked away, his hand covering his mouth.

"Nothing. Your just-"


"Just... I don't know..." I scoffed. Just what? Weird? If anyones was weird it was him... His eyes were green... I wonder what that color meant.
We shared a glance before I diverted to my food. Yeah... It was definitely he who was weird.

I banged my head on the table. Idiot. He doesn't eat the same food.

"You know Andrew, you could have said that you didn't eat this stuff." I said. Starting to fiddle with his hands, he shrugged.

"You already went through the trouble of making all this though..." I sighed before pulling some raw steak out the fridge. He was going to me expensive, the prices on red meat just went up this month. I cut him a half and put it on a plate, setting it infront of him. He glanced between me and the stake as I sat back down before whispering a thank you.
I was going to continue eating but I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I haven't seen a vampire eat before, so naturally I was interested in how it works. His fingers grabbed the edge of the meat before he dropped it with a light pat.

"Why are you watching me eat?"

"Well... you were watching me eat too, so you can't even complain." I said sticking my tongue at him. He scowled and I pretended to look away, just to watch him from the side of my eye.

Picking up the steak his eyes blurred red. His canines extended, as sharp as a needle. And with a crunch, they bit down. The color slowly drained from the meat before it turned gray, like his normal eye color.
I was taking this a little too well... I'd never thought I'd be eating breakfast with a vampire let alone- A bead of blood left his lips trickling down his neck -a cute vampire. He wiped the blood away with his thumb before licking it. He kinda resembled a cat.

"What's your name?" he asked quietly. I forgot I never told him. I smiled.

"Raven." He stared at me for a while. His pupils black, thinking about who knows what. Maybe this was the time everything went horror movie and the black girl got killed... Oddly though, he smiled back, warmly.

"I think I kinda like you Raven."

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