Chapter 4

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"I think I kinda like you Raven." My cheeks heated and I bit my tongue. I was freaking out like a teenager. I'm pretty sure he didn't know what he meant by that.

I started picking up our plates.

"I mean that's expected since I just took you in." I mumbled. He's sorta like a pet, you know? He hasn't seen the outside world or anyone for that matter so liking me would be normal... like I'm his mother? Or his owner?

His eyebrows creased and he looked away from me. A faint pout could be seen.

"I guess you're right." He said through pursed lips. He looked like there was something he wanted to say but he didn't say a word.

From then on it was silent in the house. While I looked through newspapers on the couch, he sat at the table playing with my koi fish. Sometimes though, I felt his stare over my shoulder or our wandering eyes would meet.

I really needed to buy him some clothes, my pink sweater definitely wasn't fitting him.

It was weird how human he looked. From vampires I've seen and met briefly, he just wasn't giving the hungry seductive vibe or I'll snap your neck in half and drain you. Probably due to the fact that he was a doll or... maybe because he hasn't tasted human blood yet?

Andrew scrunched his nose at me,and I buried my face into the newspapers. I was zoning out too long and like an idiot got caught.

Checking the time, it was already going on 5.

"Raven?" Andrew's words hit the back of my neck and I jumped. Goosebumps ran across my nape, my fingers scratched them. The warmth of his breath lingered on my skin. How'd he get behind the couch so fast? Damn vampire."You said I could name your fish." Big grey almond eyes bored into mine.

"Oh yeah, I lowkey forgot. You thought about a name?" I said. He grinned.

"Rave," he said. I giggled like a dummy. That was literally so corny.

"Why Rave, did I get on your good side or something?" He bit his lip. The way he was standing, hair fell into his face so I couldn't see his eyes.

"Maybe?" he said. He does that a lot. Always avoiding my questions with more questions. And that awkward mischievous look on his face was adorable. So as if I was possessed, by who knows what, I reached my hand up and ruffled his long, soft, messy locs.

He jumped away from me, hiding his flushed face with the back of his hand.

"What are you doing-"

"Oh I forgot you don't like being touched, sorry." I said getting up. I bit my lip to stop the heat from reaching my cheeks. I did not need this young man in my house. I haven't dated any guys in months, which made matters even worse.

Rave's fish water needed to be clean, and he needed to be fed.

But when I reached to grab the fish tank I flinched, stepping back from it.

"Dammit."I muttered as a flare of pain throbbed from my finger. How'd glass get stuck to the tank? Was it From yesterday? Taking a step back I bumped into Andrew.

"Did you cut yourself?"He asked. His lips inches from the nook of my neck,and his soft words rolled down my skin.

I quickly backed away from him, no this wasn't happening. I cut myself in front of a vampire! That's like the biggest don't do ever!

He took a step towards me and I took another step back, until I hit the bookshelf behind me. My eyes racked up his slender torso until they met his red eyes. He was in a stir of blood lust. I gulped, scared that all the stories my grandparents told me were true.

"Andrew?" I whispered. Instead of answering he got even closer than before,just mere inches away from me.

His thin long fingers clasped my wrist, his touch cold as ice. I flinched as he brought my bloodied finger to his lips. His sharp teeth extended, nudging away the glass in my finger. And without warning, his wet tongue wrapped around my finger. The inside of his mouth was hot and sticky. And like a snake his tongue swirled around my finger making my toes curl. With hooded eyes he looked at me. How could someone so innocent make that look?

He pulled my finger from his mouth slowly, a bead of drool connecting them. And without warning his hands grabbed the shelves above me.His mouth hovered just above, the crook of my neck yet again, like deja vu. I snapped out of his trance and realized this was not going to end well.

All the rules and warnings started playing back in my head. What was I going to do if he got blinded from blood lust? Or what if he already has? My hands pressed against his firm chest trying to push him back but he wouldn't budge.

"Andrew?" His soft plump lips brushed my skin sending a cold shiver down my spine. My fingers squeezed around the fabric of his sweater in case I fell, he was emitting some smell that was making me dizzy.

"Andrew, stop." He continued to kiss down to the ridge of my shoulder, leaving a blistering painful trail. He then pulled at my shirt trying to get more access before he opened his mouth to bite me.

"Andrew!" I yelled, making him flinch. His body stiffened under my touch. His big eyes turned back to gray. He grabbed his nose backing away from me, his expression distraught.

"Sorry," His eyes glanced back to my wound turning red briefly before he ran away, locking himself in the hallway bathroom.

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