Chapter 5

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"Sorry," His eyes glanced back to my wound turning red briefly before he ran away, locking himself in the hallway bathroom.

When I heard the door click I slid down the bookshelf, dropping to the floor. My hand traced my neck where his soft kisses still burned. That was close...too close. Just a couple more minutes and I would have given in...


My doorbell rang, scaring the blackness out of me. I checked my phone, today was the tenth? Damn it all. How could I forget I have a damn meeting with my boss from the coffee shop scheduled for today. And let me mention that I hate him with a pure passion when it comes to working. He's a nice guy but so stuck up when it comes to his work.

Pulling off my bonnet, I quickly tighten up the place before rushing to the door.

"Hello, Mr.Chan-"

"Good evening Mrs.Clymore darling! Isn't it just a splendid day?" He gestured towards the setting sun." Gee such a sight makes me wanna curl in my room, however-" he said, pushing past me, bastard. "We have some more pressing matters, yes?" Rolling my eyes, I locked the door facing him.

"Well um you see, Now's not the right time."

"Yes, it's the best time!"

"No I mean now really isn't-"

"So," He took a seat at the dining table, crossing his legs."What was your plan? You know, regarding how in the world we're going to get more customers to the shop." Mr.Chan was an odd man.

He is Often dressed in yellow suits his wife picks out and green shoes. But the main reason I didn't want him here was his obsession with vampires. He has this belief that their superior beings and he wanted to be one, but it's impossible to be a vampire unless you were conceived one. The whole bite and wabam you're a vampire thing is false. Just some human-made-up rumor.

I glanced down the hallway, I doubt Andrew would come out, he looked so hurt by what he did earlier. I took a seat next to him.

"I was thinking we could do a cross-dressing event. I think that would definitely get more customers into our shop, or maybe hire some handsome employees?" He nodded, rubbing his chin.

"I think your suggestion is rather-"


"Unheard of," I sighed. "However," he grabbed my hand. "It's rather splendid, this just might work!" He squealed.
"Who are you?" Andrew said, wrenching Mr.Chan's hand from mine, making the man scream. I flinched, Andrew stood behind refusing to let go of my Boss's hand. Was he trying to get me fired?

I placed my hand on his.

"Andrew let go," I said. He continued to glare at the unmoved man."Let go, now."

With one last scrunch of his brows, he let go of Chan's hand.

"Jeez." I cursed under my breath. He was going to get me fired.

Chan cuddled his hand, eyes bloodshot. He pulled a face- damn it-I sighed. I'm totally fired.

"You-you're a Vampire!" he screamed, astonished. He pointed a finger at me and then at Andrew. "'re dating a vampire?"

Before I could even deny it he grinned, an evil smirk on his face, eyes slanted.

"This is so perfect! With a hunk like him under your thumb," he winked at Andrew who grimaced. "He can work at the shop!"

"Shop?"Andrew said, looking at me. Hell-to-the-no. There was no way I could let that happen. The rules clearly said not to let Andrew out in public...what if something happened to him?

"Chan, I understand the shop isn't doing so well, but He can't-"

"I' it," Andrew said. My eyes popped out of their sockets. He had a curious look on his face, clearly ignoring that I was trying to say no.


"There we have it-What's your name boy?"Chan said. Andrew who still looked like he wasn't overjoyed about the man raised a curious brow...

"042-Andrew...My name is Andrew." He glanced at me. Chan jumped from his chair grinning from ear to ear.

"Well Andrew, you can start working Tomorrow when Raven comes in for her shift-"

"No Chan, listen to me-" I tried to say but he was already heading towards the door.

"You two have a good day now," He saluted us with the tip of his head, and he was gone. I threw my head back, annoyed.

"Do you have any idea what you've just agreed to?" I said Andrew avoided my eyes."What if those people get ahold of you again? Then what are you going to do?"

"They won't-I mean I don't know what you're talking about." He mumbled.

"Damn it Andrew stop playing dumb. I know some sick people were experimenting on you or something-"

"So what? I don't want you to..." His eyes turned a hazy blue.

"I don't want you to go to the shop...and leave me alone."I bit my lip, unable to stop the small smile inching off the corner of my mouth. He can be so adorable.

"We have a talk," I said, patting the seat next to me. Wavering, he sat down next to me fiddling with his fingers. "Is there anything I need to know? Like...where did you come from?"

His pupils shaded to a dark gray.

"No," I rolled my eyes.

"Andrew...c'mon. I need to know."

"I don't want to talk about it." I crossed my arms.

"Do you know about the rules?" His eyes turned a flash purple; a color I hadn't seen before."What do you know about them?"

"Not much..." I raised a brow. "All I know is that bad things happen when you don't follow the rules...but I...don't care anymore."

I scratched at my tracks; a bad habit of mine.

"So you knew you weren't supposed to drink my blood?"

"No-I mean...yeah? But I didn't do it on purpose...the scent of your blood smells different...One minute you cut your finger, the next I almost bit you...I-I just lost it...I'm sorry, Raven."

Sighing, I reached over ruffling his head. His cheeks flushed a pink shade.

"It's fine..." I said, getting up."Help me find you some clothes in the garage...I guess," Gosh, I can't believe I'm agreeing to this."You can come to work with me tomorrow."

Andrew's eyes turned yellow, as he followed me to the garage. This was absolutely nuts.

Please remember to go back and like all my previous chapters for more, fam💫

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