Chapter 8

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"That's right." Not knowing what else to say I turned back to the TV.

    "Whatever, just let me watch my show." Gosh he was making me miss all the good parts! I didn't even get to see Adam cast that spell! Sighing,I pulled my sleeves over my fingers. It was always cold in my house,you could even see puffs of air leave my mouth.

    Refusing to leave me alone, Andrew leaned his head on my shoulder. His hair was wet, falling in his eyes chopply.

"What is it now?" He kept his eyes trained on the TV, glancing briefly at me.

"I'm sleepy." He grabbed my hand. "And you're shivering...You should hug skin is hot." Groaning I ignored him. It was hard to believe this was the same guy who viciously attacked my shoulder.

"I'm good." Not really, It was freezing in the small living room. Against my will he took my hand and wrapped it over his shoulder.

His body was fuzzy and warm. It fit a little too well in my chubby one. He was like a giant heated teddy bear. I yawned, letting my head rest on his.

"I should probably go get in my bed." I whispered, my eyelids heavy and just about to close. He yawned.

"You probably should...but... you don't need to."His words got lost in silence because he was asleep. And soon after I followed him into the fluffy darkness.

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