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I always hated people that were so blunt, yes! I hate the fact that they didn't know when they were supposed to say certain things and it didn't help with the people I was Currently surrounded with

"You guys can leave now, thanks I'm fine" I said with a sigh "trust me, we don't want to be here either, I mean who wants to come back from school to babysit a grown woman?" Said Miguella, I came to realize that that was the name of the little girl from yesterday

The twins were sent to my room to check on me to make sure I was okay, after the event of last night I blacked out on the floor, when I woke up, I showered I fell on the bed, it didn't help that all my bones hurt, they sent a maid to bring food up to me, I mean just because I wasn't happy doesn't mean my stomach has to suffer

"Please just leave me alone" I said with another sigh "fine, we are sorry Alora, we have been inconsiderate, we are sorry for what our brother did to you" said Miguella again, Miguel just said there putting his hand in my hair at every chance he got

"You shouldn't be the one apologizing, afterall it was your brother that did the damage" I said with a huff, now I was just acting like a child "if you are awaiting an apology from my brother, it would never come" said Miguel, oh now he talks

"By the way your engagement ring looks cute" said Miguella "yeah, it was the best engagement ever, he took me to this superb dinner and we professed our undying love for each other and we kissed under the rain" I replied "really?" The both asked "of course not, you guys can see me lying here right?.. with enough black spot to cover a black car" I said rolling my eyes at their stupidity "okay now you're just exaggerating" Miguel said Rolling his eyes, was I exaggerating? I didn't care, because this marriage was certainly not going to work, none of us was willing to bow down to the other....

"And would you remove your hands from my hair Miguel?!!" I said tired of this awkward touchy touchy that this guy was doing "but it's just so soft" he said touching and massaging my scalp more, I was enjoying the feeling but I was also getting irritated with the fact that it was getting too much "alright come on, we are going out for some ice cream, you have to stop moping around, and the clima looks good" said Miguella pulling me to stand up (weather)

I understood Spanish, but they didn't need to know that, like I understood Pablo me a piece of shit, last night, I was never one to pass up and offer to over eat, and so I found myself saying yes to the twins

They took me out and we had ice cream, walked and I soaked in the sun, it was the best, just talking to the twins and having a break, for a while I felt... Normal

And I knew what peace felt like, no gun, no violence, just peace, but like every good thing in life, they never last, we had to go home eventually, though I was dreading the night, I enjoyed the day, and I guess that would just have to do

We got home by 6pm and the twins agreed to showing me the gym, since I got here I haven't exercised and I really didn't want to get out of shape, the twins and I ran on the treadmill "so you guys actually train?" I asked, I mean they were seven, it felt like they were being pushed too hard, but when you are born into the Ortega linage, everyone is literally out for  your blood, so I guess it was for the best "yeah, self protection y'know?" Miguel asked rhetorically, I just nodded slowly and we fell into a peaceful silence

After a while the twins decide to help hold my legs down while I do sit-ups, they really loved helping, they craved attention, and before I could stop myself I asked "what about your mum?" And they looked at each other, no doubt having a secret conversation about if they should open up or not "our mum is an assassin Alora, she works for the mafia, and is rarely home" Miguel answered hesitant

"Hey, if you don't want to tell me, it's cool, you could have just said you didn't want to talk about it" I said reassuring them, I mean they owe me no explanation "it's not as though we don't want to tell you, but let's just call it a sour spot" Miguella said, I know I should have dropped it, but I just couldn't help the next question that came out of my mouth "sour spot? How come?" I asked "well my mum worked for the mafia since she got married to my dad, which means she never had time for Pablo either, well my father, is uhm re-" but before they could continue the gym door burst open and In came the last person on planet Earth I wanted to see

He walked over, looking sharply as ever, the twins ran up to him giving him hugs and he gave them air kisses "shouldn't you guys be in bed, tomorrow is a school day" he said bending down to their level "we went out with Alora for ice cream, but we'd be going to bed now" they ran towards me and hugged my waist as I was taller than they were "goodnight Alora" they said in unison "goodnight kiddos" I said kisses the top of their heads, huh look at me being all touchy feely with kids I haven't even known for more than a week, they ran out not before mouthing a 'goodluck'

After they left I sighed heavily and walked to my water bottle at the corner, ignoring his presence completely

"Good evening Alora" he said

"Good evening Pablo"

I really wanted to publish this chapter yesterday, but I got lazy and slept instead

Thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts

Until next time muchachos 🍑



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