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"She's lying Pablo" I said dismissing her words"then why did you curse?" He asked "because she's full of shit" I said shrugging my shoulder, dragging me out of the room "are you really taking her word over mine?" I asked "no I am not, I am not taking any chances either" he said, pulling my hands away from his grasp I said "I am not pregnant Pablo, I haven't even vomited at all" I said "that does not mean any fucking thing!" He said "well this is my body, and I'm not doing any stupid test till I'm sure Avraam is dead, or on the verge of dying"

"¡Esta mujer!" (This woman!) He exclaimed "fine, but immediately after, we are going to see a doctor or at least take the test" looking at him in a 'duh' tone, we walked back in


Pablo sat far away from me as I sat opposite Avraam, he looked at me and smiled. Blood covering his teeth "y'know, I am your stepmother" I said with a smile "and I have to say, you've been a bad bad boy" snapping my fingers, a guard pushed a trolley in my direction. Different type of tools

"Left for me, I'd start with your dick" I said kissing my teeth "but it's just as useless as the rest of you" I said pulling my chair closer to him "so I'd start with the hand you used to pull the trigger".

Using  a locking pliers, I pulled out all his ten finger nails and watched as water fell from his eyes as he shook in his chair and screamed in agony... Looking into his eyes I saw fear, fear for his life and fear because he had no idea of what I was going to do next....

Grabbing a nails and hammer, I hammered his fingers one after the other to the arm rest of his chair... Half way through he passed out in pain, stopping my action I pulled out all the nails.

Calling the guards I said "hang him" and hanging him they did, all the while Bolsena was watching in disgust and fear... Going to the hot coal and the far end of the cellar, I brought out my knife from my sweatpant pocket and placed it in the coal...

Waiting for it to get hot, I looked at Pablo and he just stared at me with an unreadable expression.. after a while I saw the knife had changed the colour to red "wake him up" one of the women guards grabbed a bucket filled with ice and poured it over Avraam waking him up, he looked around in confusion then reality dawned on him and I saw as he searched the room, his eyes fell ok Bolsena and I saw him silently plead for her to stop me....

He looked down and saw bolsena's leg wrapped in bandage and I heard him let out a low growl "her name was Elena" I said walking towards him after I felt that the knife was hot enough "yeah I know you didn't know that" I said as I felt a tear slip out from my eyes "but now that you do know that, I'm going to make sure you never ever forget" I said


I watched as she turned into a savage human, she brought the hot metal and carved her mother's name on his chest....

He stayed awake through it all.

'ELENA' was boldly written on his chest and I saw Alora crying as she did it, this torture wasn't out of anger... It was out of pure sadness, she was sad because even this sadistic act she just did, couldn't close the void her mother had left...

I didn't know how someone could love their mother this much, I never really had a close intimate relationship with mine. But the way Alora talked about and treated her mother made me want one..

I watched as she called for a guard, handing him the whip, she said something to him I couldn't quite get. The guard went behind Avraam and slashed him with the whip Making him cry out In agony. As he opened his mouth, she grabbed his tongue and sliced it off, dropping the sense organ on the floor... Blood all over her hands, eyes bloodshot red she fell back to her chair and cried..

I sat there and watched as she cried into her knees "I hate you so much Avraam, I hate all of you!!!!" She yelled, Avraam on the other hand just hanged there in pure agony as blood sipped from his chest, hand and mouth....

"Does that hurt?" She asked him and he just smiled, again.... And that did it for Alora, she walked to Bolsena pulling her wheelchair to face Avraam... Avraam fought ferociously against the chain that hanged him to the ceiling but it was of no use

"Please!!!!" He begged "don't kill her, I beg of you!!!!" He yelled out, but Alora was all out of compassion. Bolsena tried fighting against Alora, in the process stubbled out of the wheelchair to the floor. Alora pulled her by her hair and looked at Avraam as she placed her blade to Bolsena's neck

"I watched my mother die" she Said "I want you to watch her die" and with that she cut Bolsena's head off of her body, Avraam screamed out as Bolsena's body fell to the floor with a thump while Alora held her head. She died with her eyes wide open. Avraam was so broken, everyone could see....

Grabbing her knife she stabbed Avraam right in the heart, and his blood spilled all over her face, using her hand she whipped some of his blood off of her eyes. And she looked up, looking at each and everyone of the guards present, everyone stared at her in pure fear..

And she smiled through her tears

Until next time muchachos 🍑



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