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It was once said that grief was the price we pay for love, and there was no truer words

The person you loved would never be there forever, either they leave you by choice or by force and vice versa

It was better to not love, cause when all is said and done, the real question is, can you deal with that heart break?

Can you watch the person you love walk away, and no matter how powerful you are you could only watch and do absolutely nàda about it

She cried, she sat at the floor with her mother corps in her hand and she cried, there was no saving her as she had a shot to the head

Words, words can't explain the sadness that loomed the face of the earth. It was as though an angel had been taken from our midst, and that was exactly what she was. An angel

She didn't allow a single soul touch her mother's corps, she carried it herself and placed it in a black SUV herself, she drove the car herself, not caring about the chaos she left behind

She wanted to get her mother's body preserved, and so she did, at the Ortega's estate they had a hospital for the family and their men, and a place for preserving the dead shouldn't come as a surprise.

She sat there and watched as they rubbed her mother in different oils, she rapped her hands around herself. And I mean it when I said I hadn't seen more pain in the entire universe

A 24 years old, cried like a child.


She sat there, for what felt like eternity but were truly only four hours, it was late in the evening and she was still seated there, normally they could have done the embalming in one of the rooms in the house, but she didn't want to be asked any question by anyone from the house, the only thing she told them when she arrived at the hospital was "embalm her" nothing more nothing less, and nobody cared to question the Dona of the Mexican Mafia, and so they did what she said

Pablo walked in, they were looking for her and that was why he took this long to get here, actually they found her 2 hours ago, but he knew she needed some time to herself, but it was getting late and she had been crying the whole day

He sat beside her on a chair and stared ahead, looking at the corps  of one of the strongest woman he knew, the name Elena Pierce wasn't a rare name in the mafia family, before she got married everyone knew of the most beautiful seductress that could make a man cum, simply by standing there in the most gorgeous gown, she flaunted her beauty, she did, she was eloquent..

But she was, she can't be anymore, not by choice though, but by force...

Alora started questioning her faith, she was always a believer, not a Christian but a believer, she believed that there's always a being superior to us, supernatural.

But she started questioning if He actually was there, and if He was, why He would watch them take her mother and He did nothing about it

Was she hypocritical to cry when someone killed her mother when she herself was infact a killer? Maybe

But did that quench the fire of revenge? Absolutely not

And even hell hath no greater fury than a woman scorned

"She's dead" Pablo said, it was the first time he talked, and maybe the only thing he needed to say before all hell let loose

She stood up grabbing him by his arm and kneeing him on the stomach, before he could topple over and hold his stomach, she dragged him up by pulling his hair and she punched him square on his nose earning a crack sound

Using his head he speared her straight through the glass door, glass shattered everywhere, but they weren't done

Grabbing a glass from the ground she stabbed him in his thigh, earning a muffled groan from him, grabbing her throat he raised her up, choking her before smashing her through one of those bench hospitals usually have on the hallway

Staggering back, with the little time he had he dragged the glassed she used to stab him in his thigh, dragging it out he groaned a little, afterall he was used to pain, blood started seeping out

By the time he was done she was already standing charging at him punch after punch, he dodged some fired some back at her, bursting her lip at some point in time, he didn't want to hurt her, but she was making it hard for him

She was crying, tears after tears slipped from her eyes, tears and a mixture of rage, it was as though she was possessed

He Grabbed her right arm but she punched him in the stomach with her left, she was fast, I had to give her that, even Pablo was looking impressed and in pain

Suppressing his pain he grabbed her turning her around and hugging her tightly from behind, she tried struggling out of his grip, but she soon gave up crying "she is dead Teo, and I feel like complete shit" she choked out

Her eyes were bloodshot red, her hair all over the place, Pablo turned her around putting his two hands on her waist and carried her up, she jumped circling her hand on his neck and her leg on his waist and he limped to another room to have them treated

"We will kill every single one of them, and we shall sleep to the sound of their wailing" he said still carrying her, she shook her head in agreement, her head still in the crook of his neck

And so it began....


Thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts

Until next time muchachos 🍑



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