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I didn't have a lot of friends growing up, to be fair I had no friends, it's not like I didn't want any but like usual I was too lazy to make any, and looking back now, I feel like it was for the best, because I heard you'd have to develop trust, and developing trust means telling everything about you, and telling people everything about me meant I'd break omérta

So since a little girl I was a loner, and to be frank, it fucked with my mental health so much so that I sometimes think Irrationally, so that was why when the kids were leaving this morning for school, I volunteered to pick them when they closed, stupid? I know

But I was getting tired of staying indoors and there is only so much exercise you can do before you get bored, so here I am laying in bed, Pablo had left early this morning for an event

I decided to tour the house I haven't really had a clear view of the house I walked out of Pablo's room to see the entire hallway was painted blue, I hadn't even noticed cause Everytime I passed here, my mind was always somewhere else

Pictures of Pablo and the twins adorned the corridor, someone would think he was their father, not a single picture had their father in it, and the few ones with their mum in it was way to formal and looked really planned, it looked what do I call it..... Forced?

The twins look happy in this particular one that had Pablo and his mum in it, though Pablo was looking like he'd rather be anywhere else, regardless he held his mum's hand and his mum looked genuinely happy there, not forced at all, in this particular picture I saw through the wall Pablo's mother has tried so hard to build, cause no matter how hard she tried to hide it, her kids were her weakness, they were her priced possession

Weakness?... It was the feeling you could ever have in the mafia world, for they would prey on that weakness and hit you were it really hurts. Pain, money and power was what mafias were built for, pain being the most profound cause to be in the mafia you have to be fucked up, you can't be in the mafia and be all kind-hearted, they'd taint you, change you and end up ruining you

It wasn't fair for the kids, but that was life, and if they'd be ruined at the end, I'd make sure it was the best ruin of their life, I couldn't help them out of it, but I could help them enjoy it

With that thought ringing in my head, I grab the key Pablo gave me for the car I'd use to pick them up and I Walked out, to pick them from school


Their school was freaking huge, I had to sign in to get in, it was heavily guarded no doubt housing other rich men children, after telling the security the story of my life, because they practically asked for everything I was, as though you were giving them your whole biography, I was let in not before glaring at one security man in particular who was handsy, he tried to take my gun but I just told him I was from the Ortega's and threatened to gut him alive, may I add that I did it nicely, I even smiled politely at him

Turns out Pablo had called the school to let them know I'd be picking the kids up, so I wondered why they didn't just let me, those assholes!!

I was directed to another receptionist, like what the fuck? The Ortega's house isn't even guarded as much as this, and that's saying alot

I was asked to sit down and someone spoke into the Telecom, saying someone was here to pick up Miguel and Miguella Ortega and they should move to the receptionist office, rich people am I right?

Few minutes later they both sluantered in, and I got up "hey kiddos" I said, I was happy to see them really, they both really acted mature for their age, they rolled their eyes "for the last time Alora, try using our names more often" Miguel said "but you guys are just so cute I could pinch you" I bent down putting my hands on my knee "oh my God!" Said Miguella "can we just go? Like now, you're embarrassing us" they started walking leaving me behind, kids, they grow up too fast

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