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I was up before anyone else, but I just laid in bed, I'm a horrible person, I am

I guess this is just Karma, what goes around has no choice but to come around, and mine came back taking the only person I thought I couldn't survive loosing

A phone ringing snapped me out of my thoughts, it was my phone, I didn't even know when last I used that device, picking it up I saw 'sperm donor' reflecting on it and I'm sure you already know who it was

"What?" I asked immediately I answered it "Alora!" He said my name in a warning tone, standing from the bed I moved to one of the windows so I wouldn't wake Pablo with the noise "do you have any lead on your mother so far?" He asked, I guess he wasn't aware yet "she's dead" I said in a monotone voice

There was silence and then he laughed, he fucking laughed "stop the joke Alora and be serious, don't you have Faith? your mum is fine" he tried reassuring like a father, but I know he was anything but that

"I might joke about your death, but not my mother's" I said through gritted teeth, I was greeted with silence again "I'm sorry Alora" he said, surely about my loss and not for what he had put me through as a child

"You can take your sorry, and shove it far up your ass" I replied "she's gone, dead, because you couldn't for once put her first, you were at the wedding, you watched them take her, you have a mafia, you can as well try to track her down yet you didn't!" I whisper yelled "you didn't lift a fucking finger because you've been trying to get out of this marriage since the day you said 'i do', you're free now, but sleep with one I opened, because I'm coming for you" I warned "I will slit your throat, and watch as you choke on your blood and I will watch you and do absolutely nothing to save you, then I would take over that stupid organization you call your mafia, and you'd watch from hell while I become everything that you couldn't"

"You're a disgrace Alora, always have been and always will be" I'd be lying if I said that didn't hurt "you are the one who made a lot of enemies so accept your fucking mistake, I'd always regret the day you came into this world, y-" before he could continue I hanged up, tears slipping from my eyes. It hurt, it hurt Soo much because he was right

Grabbing a blunt from Pablo's and I closet I sat on the sofa closest to the window and I smoke, I just looked out reminiscing about everything that happened, and I couldn't just hold back the tears, if I live to 60 or even 70 years old, I'd still never be able to see her again, and it hurts, cause I didn't get to tell her Soo many things, and now they are just unspoken words, words that can never be said anymore, but I'd always wish I did say

I saw a figure moving to the sofa I turned and saw Pablo, he was in black short and a sleeveless shirt, he sat on the sofa with me, a cigarette in his hand, we inhaled the deathlike smoke and we loved it

"Why are you crying?" He asked looking at me dead in the eyes, his Expression that of confusion "I miss her" was all I said, Skipping the part of my father calling me and saying shit, his face morphed into one of pain "it gets better" he said pulling me to his lap, but I don't feel it getting better I thought


We stayed awake all night smoking and talking a little, Pablo was really not a conversationalist and neither was I, but we thought of ways to deal with the Russians and get rid of them for good... The Italians could wait, I really don't see them as a threat... For now

After Pablo and I showered we decided to head to breakfast, Pablo was dressed in his usual suit with turtle neck shirt and a dress shoe, all black, everything in his room was totally black and white, including the dresses I had to wear, this morning when we were talking in the bedroom he happened to tell me that he was diagnosed with OCD since he was a child, and that it was hereditary

Well I didn't want to pry cause he didn't look like he wanted to talk more about it and he didn't really owe me any explanation so I just changed the subject, getting to the table men already swam there in their casuals, they ate and talked when Pablo walked in they all stood up in respect, even the twins stood up

Not wanting to bring anymore attention we walked to our seats, I noticed Pablo sat at the head now and his dad was no where in site, looking up at Pablo I asked "where's your dad?" His eyes slightly widened not expecting my question I guess "he's dead" and I choked on the food In my mouth "when? How? And most importantly when?" I asked clearly shocked about what was happening directly under my nose

"Cancer" he replied simply "died few weeks before our wedding" oh! I didn't even notice, I'm a horrible horrible person I thought, the twins lost their father and I wasn't even there for them, speaking of the twins they sat their quietly stealing glances at me once in a while

I wanted to tell them I'm fine, and that everything was okay even if I knew deep down that everything was far from okay, taking the pen I always kept behind my eyes, I wrote on my napkin ' I'm fine kiddos, we'd talk when you get back from school. Okay?' they were resuming today, unlike us in the States, schools in Mexico have only two months for summer break while we have three and half months, tops.

Passing the napkin in between them they both looked at it and I gave them a reassuring smile which they returned, at the corner of my eye I could see Pablo looking at me, Frida wasn't at the table, to be honest she was rarely home


Before I could think deeper into it, one of Pablo's guards came running in panting heavily "Don! There's a situation" he said ambiguously when he saw the kids at the table, Pablo just looked at him as if telling him to be specific "it's at the hospital" hospital? Wait! My mum

Without thinking twice, I was up and running, I ran like my life depended on it, please, oh please no more bad news

Was i exaggerating? Maybe!
But when you're in the mafia you can never be too careful

Standing face to fire, it was all gone

It was just flames, fire

They burnt the hospital down, with my mother's corps in it

I'm not fine!

😭Don't kill me for this, I feel sorry for her too

Btw do you know that voting helps in increasing a book's publicity? Yeah I just found out too, soo 🥺 don't forget to vote 🙂

Thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts

Until next time muchachos 🍑



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