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Third person's POV

She shook her vigorously awakening her from her much needed slumber. "what the fuck?!" Tiffany exclaimed. "do I look pregnant?" Alora asked in panic, "yes, definitely. You also look cancerous cause my eyes give diagnosis now" Tiffany said sarcastically turning to the other side and backing Alora.

"Bolsena just told me I'm pregnant" Alora sighed sitting at the edge of the bed, Tiffany and Alora had gotten close. They were totally opposite but I guess unlike charges attract, Tiffany hated talking while Alora couldn't live without it. Tiffany's bark was worse than her bite while Alora was the exact opposite, Alora killed cold-heartedly and Tiffany didn't even want to come in contact with anyone's blood....

"And we should believe Bolsena because........?" Tiffany asked turning back around giving Alora her attention "I don't know, but what if I was pregnant. Pablo and I forgot to use protection th-" waving her hands in the air Tiffany interrupted Alora "ewwwww, I don't care what happened when you guys were fucking" she said tiredly "look, tomorrow everyone would be focused on Avraam. Just put it together for tomorrow after that we can  get a pregnancy test kit, fine?"

"I'm not sure I'd be able to face Pablo" Alora Said worriedly "you could sleep her if you want Alora" Tiffany said adjusting to make space for Alora, Alora adjusted herself into the bed and sighed "do you want kids Tiffany?" Alora asked, Tiffany knew she needed someone to talk to but she really needed sleep.

She could always sleep another, Alora needed her now "Yes, I do want slee- kids! I want kids" she corrected herself in mid-sentence Alora looked up and tears dropped from the side of her face, Tiffany decided to ask "do you want kids Alora?" Shaking her head Alora replied "no" Tiffany turned facing Alora, while Alora just stared straight ahead "why not?" Tiffany asked

"I don't know, but I do know a horrible mother" Alora Said "who?" Tiffany asked "me, I'd be a horrible mother" Alora Said as tears kept on falling "no you won't" Tiffany countered "People say that to everyone 'you'd make a great mother' they even say that to those mothers who end up killing their kids"

Tiffany sighed, she knew Alora was right. There was no guarantee that Alora would make a great mother. Infact knowing her, the probability of her being a bad mother was really high.

But that was just a hypothesis, and hypothesis could be proved wrong "so? Are you going to abort it, if you are infact pregnant?" Tiffany asked "Yes" Alora replied and Tiffany pulled her in for a hug, times like this made Alora miss her mum even more


"Where were you last night?" Pablo asked immediately she walked into their room to take a shower and change her clothes "with Tiffany" Alora replied shortly before literally sprinting to the bathroom and locking the door behind her

"Is everything okay Alora?" Pablo asked from behind the door as Alora tried to swallow her tears. "Uh huh" was all she could say "are you sure?" He asked again. Why was she even crying? She thought. "stupid pregnancy hormones" she voiced out "what was that?" Pablo asked again "nada" Alora Said immediately, slapping her hands over her face for sounding so unconvincing "I'm fine Pablo, can we leave it at that?" She finally asked "okay, I'd be waiting for you at the basement" he said and left...

Slumping on the floor she sobbed uncontrollably, after a while she stood up and looked at herself in the mirror completely naked. Touching her stomach, she wondered how God could give any type of woman a child. Even those that were mentally deranged, he could a psychopath a child and maybe didn't even care of what might become of that child...

God should have listened to her father and given him a boy, maybe she'd never have suffered the way she did. Maybe her mom would have had a happy marriage, not the best but it would have been less worse if she gave her father the boy he wanted. She thought about how it would be like If she had a boy or if she had a girl. She was thinking way too much now, she was not Keeping the baby she thought. It was best for everyone...

Was she not Keeping the baby because she thought it was best for everyone or because she was terrified about doing this without her mother? Her conscience kept asking her but she just ignored the voice in her head.

After taking the shower she saw that the dye was beginning to wear off, and she saw how the water turned black as some of the dye washed off. After her shower she walked down to the basement and found Pablo Waiting for her like he had said she grabbed an apple on her way down as her outfit consisted of a black hoodie and black sweatpants, black was very slimming.

Pablo looked at her and said "if something is wrong you would not hesitate to let me know, right?" Looking into his bluish gray eyes, she wanted to come clean and let him know that his sperm had formed a zygote inside her, but she knew he would want her to have this kid. He wouldn't understand that she couldn't handle it, as another tear slipped out. Alora nodded her head as Pablo cleaned her tears with his lips and went to wash his hands, his compulsive disorder was still very much there and Alora took a deep breath after he left, he came back a while later with his suit jacket gone leaving him in just his turtle neck and dress trousers, which was hot as hell...

Pablo and Alora Walked into the basement hand in hand, Bolsena was sat in a wheelchair in the far off corner while Avraam sat on a metal chair chained securely to it with blood oozing from his right leg, clearly stabbed. The place was parked with guards bott inside and outside, some women were guarding which made Alora smile because she knew women could be just as vindictive as men...

"Bringing a pregnant woman to the basement now Pablo?" Bolsena asked from her wheel chair and Alora prayed to God that she didn't say anything else. Pablo looked back as if looking for the pregnant woman and Alora looked back with him feigning confusion "oh she didn't tell you?" Bolsena asked "who did not tell me what?" Pablo asked not understanding a word Bolsena was saying, Alora looked at her, her eyes in slits as if daring Bolsena to say another word "Mr Ortega, your wife is pregnant" Bolsena said with a smirk looking directly at Alora

"Fucking bitch!!" Alora yelled

Until next time muchachos 🍑



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