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"Oh shit" I muttered "you took my seven year old siblings to a gun fight?!" He yelled, I used my elbow to hit his hand causing it to loosen around my neck and I stood up before answering "look it was barely even a fight, and I was all out of options" I said surprising even myself by how calm I was

"You dumb fuck!!! What the hell is your problem, they are seven?!!" He screamed in my face, clenching and unclenching his hands to calm himself "oh just fuck off" I said surprising myself again "what the fuck did you just say?" He said looking at me deadly "you heard me" was all I said crossing my hands over my chest

He tried launching towards me but he didn't get close enough next thing I know a woman was on top of Pablo, rendering him punch after punch after punch, when he finally understood what was going on he flipped them so he was now on top, pinning the woman's hand over her head but she wasn't going down with a fight, she knees him in his crotch causing him to let her go as he toppled over, the woman stood up straightening her cloth and said "no man raises his hand on a woman, not on my watch you don't"

"She almost got my siblings killed!" Pablo said with a groan

"They are my children, and I decide what to do to whomever tries to hurt them" she said

"I swear to Christ Mrs Ortega I didn't try to hurt them" I defended myself like a kid afraid of being punished

"Call me Frida sweetheart, and Don't worry I was just coming from the kid's room, unlike my son, I actually think rationally" she said calmly as if she didn't just beat the almighty Pablo Ortega like a kid

"Damn right you do" I muttered enough for only the two of us to hear

"You think you're off the hook?" Pablo asked "ahhhh I'm so scared" I muttered sarcastically rolling my eyes

"You didn't even ask if the kids or I are fine, when I get home first thing I do is receive beating from you like I'm some fucking child!" I yelled getting angry "fuck you!" I yelled taking the stupid wedding ring and throwing it really hard at him "fuck this stupid planned marriage!" I yelled again, "if there's one thing I learnt today, it was that only I can protect me from the enemies I have created"

"So Mr Pablo Ortega you can go suck a dick...... Respectfully" I said storming off


I knew when I stabbed Viktor the leader of the Russian mafia in his heart when he was fast asleep, I knew I was signing my own death wish, but I also accepted my faith

I also knew his Mafia would be the first out for my blood, the Russian's Accent was the thickest I think I've ever heard, even thicker than the Italian's, and I would know because the Italian's were the second family I was married into

The man that attacked us today had a thick Russian accent, normally he could be from the Russian mafia, but with the Italian's you could never know, they were really smart and strategic, they could want me to think it was the Russian's so I'd be focusing on them while they attacked when I least expected

But it could also just be the Russian mafia

Ugh all this thinking is really stressing me out, at the moment I was in the room I was first put in, no way in hell was I sleeping near Pablo when he was that angry, for all I know he could choke me to death or even kill me in my sleep, it would be hypocritical of me to complain if he did kill me in my sleep cause I had done the exact same to a man, but that doesn't mean I'd happily put myself in such a position

I wasn't afraid of death, didn't mean I wasn't happy to be alive

I was just laying in bed, my head at the edge of the bed, staring at the ceiling contemplating my undenying doom

The room door creaked open and I stood up immediately pointing my gun to the door, call me paranoia but I enjoyed living

"It's just us Alora" the kids muttered putting their hands up, I wasn't buying it just yet, "walk in carefully and lock the door behind you" I said my gun not aiming at them but aiming at the door, for all I know this could be a sick plot of Pablo's, I mean he was sick, really mentally deranged, and to think I gave him a boner not less than 24 hours ago, ungrateful bitch!

The kids followed my orders and seeing as it was just them I laid back in bed properly this time

"And now the traitors come to visit" I said to them "oh don't worry guys, I'm fine I did almost get choked to death, but as you can see I'm breathing, though I barely escaped with my life, but still breathing" I said sarcastically

"You just enjoy exaggerating Alora" said Miguel rolling his eyes as he climbed the bed, no doubt getting ready to stick his hand in my hair Miguella climbed the bed, laying down and resting her head on my lap, and we fell into a comfortable silence

After a moment of silence Miguella said quietly"hey Alora?" and I just hummed In response "I hope you stay" she said completely taking me off guard "I might seem like a creep but Everytime I see you, I always look at your hand making sure the ring is still there, it was like a little assurance that you weren't going to leave us like everyone else does, now I don't see the ring anymore, I just hope it's just cause you guys fought and you'd put it on again" she said calmly, Miguella was the real emotional one, though the toughest, things hurt her more than they hurt Miguel but she knew how to mask up and pretend everything was okay when it wasn't

Miguel on the other hand was more of the smart one things didn't hurt him as much, but when they did he didn't know how to hide his feelings

I've spent no more than a week with them, and I'd rather slit my wrist than see them cry

Thoughts thoughts thoughts

Until next time muchachos 🍑



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