13. Hell Yeah

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You checked the time. Almost time for your flight.

I guess it's alright that I don't say bye to anyone, especially Kei. It's okay though... It'll be less sad this way.

Just thinking about everything gave you grief. Tsukishima ran until he heard the sound of a ball hitting a wall. He'd recognize those sounds anywhere. A volleyball. He turned the corner and found you spiking a ball at the wall where you had your first fight.

"(f/n)..." he spoke out of breath.

"Kei..." You caught the ball and took a step back. "N-no I'm leaving soon I don't want to make it harder than it is..." tears were forming in your eyes and your chest hurt.

"No you don't understand!" he tried to prevent you from walking back any father, but you started to run. He caught up with you and grabbed your wrist to stop you.

"Kei let go!"


There was a lump in your throat that wouldn't go away. Tears were streaming down your face and you tried to release yourself from his grasp. He silenced your cries and kissed the tears on your cheeks softly. You slowly loosened up your body and tried to calm down, but still bracing.

He flicked your forehead once he back away. "Idiot..." and held you in a warm embrace and spoke softly behind your ear. "Takeda-sensei spoke with the school and officials; you don't have to leave."

"H-huh?" Tsukishima explained everything to you and your tears started to dry themselves. "So this means..."

He grabbed the sides of your cheeks and made you look up at him, "It means: Don't go."

You just nodded your head profusely. "Ack but my flight! And my parents!!" You tried wiping your face and tears while scrambling for your phone and checked the time. "Oh my god they'll be pissed! I can't just miss a 14 hour flight to my parents!"

"Call them! Maybe they'll understand if you tell them something."

"Oh god I hope they do, I'll have to convince them somehow; I think asking to exchange the tickets for a later date might sway them, and once they hear the news they might reconsider!"

"Then do that quickly!"

"AH OKAY." You started the process for the international call.

"Mom! Dad!"

"What the--(f/n) your flight is soon!"

"I know I know but please hear me out!!" You desperately tried to explain to them the current situation. "And tomorrow I'll go in and talk to the school about it! I know you said you couldn't trust me, but my intentions for doing all of this were true! Please let me stay for just a couple more days!"

It was silent on their line for a few minutes. "...Okay. But seriously. Only for a couple more days. If it's not sorted out by then, you're coming to America. End of discussion."

"Don't worry I'll sort it all out!" The call ended abruptly as your parents hung up on you. You shuddered at the cold and sternness in their voice, but now, you were now determined to get this situation under control.

Tsukishima patted your head, "You can stay at my house until you figure it out."

"H-huh?!" You blushed.

"You ended your lease, remember?"

"Oh yeah that's right..." You noticed the darkness if the night and followed behind Tsukishima to his house.


"I'm home. I'm having a friend stay over for a couple nights." He said as he walked in.

"Oh who is it?" his mother greeted you guys. "(f/n)-chan! My, did you cut your hair?" You weren't dolled up femininely this time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2015 ⏰

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