3. What Happens in the Storage Room, Stays

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The first month at your new school was going quite smoothly. To your knowledge, no one knew that you were a girl. But sometimes you made some goofs and your seatmate would start to catch on…

You became good friends with Yamaguchi and Hinata at Karasuno. You ate lunch with them and helped practice skills with them after school. Yamaguchi would always try to include Tsukishima whether that’d be during lunch or helping out at practice. When he did join in for lunch, you tried so hard not to get overly excited about the “super cute bento” you made yourself. Your inner female would come out and you would preach about new ‘happy faced’ nori punchers and your girly lunch box container. Hinata and Yamaguchi thought nothing of it; they thought it was super cool that you could make your own lunches look so neat. But you could tell that Tsukishima sensed your femininity that was radiating just through your lunches. It hurt to do this, but you slowly cut out all things “cute” to your bentos. No adorable, creative food picks or character themed lunches, now they were just rice and the side dishes.

Other than the fact that, of course, you still look quite feminine, you’ve only accidentally almost went into the girl’s restroom about a dozen times, with Tsukishima witnessing about half of those attempts. And of course, you sit right next to each other. Your handwriting does not look like a guy’s. With Tsukishima purposely observing you so closely, it would seem almost impossible that he hasn’t thought something strange of your person. He’s exceptionally smart too; class 1-4 was a college preparatory class, after all. You’ve seen his test scores on his desk when results get passed out, he aint dumb. You were getting nervous now; there was no doubt that Tsukishima knew. But he hasn’t said anything about it… Surely he would’ve said something if he found out something this big. You’d have to confront him about it and find out for sure.


After school, you went through practice like normal. You thought about when to ask Tsukishima, and you decided on after he changed and before he went to walk home.

When it was over, you did your own thing of cleaning up all of the equipment while everyone else went to change. You brought the ball cart into the storage room and tucked it away in the corner that it belonged to. All of a sudden, the door closed and the lights inside the room were shut off. You could make out a silhouette from the moonlight from the small window. The shadow crept towards you but you kept walking back, until you hit the wall. A hand was placed on the wall right next to your neck, trapping you on one side. As your eyes got adjusted to the darkness, you could make out the shadow.

“T-Tsukishima-kun?! W-what are you doing?”

“There’s been something strange about you since you transferred to Karasuno.” He said with a straight face.

You look to the side to avoid his glare, “…”

But with his free hand, he took a hold of your chin and had you look right into his eyes. Your faces were mere inches apart. You could feel your face blush furiously.


Quickly, you lightly pushed Tsukishima back, which caused you both to stand up straight rather than lean against the wall. You were no longer inches away from his face, and he wasn’t caging you on one side. Your heart was beating rapidly.

“What do you know…” You started.

“I dunno you tell me, what are you hiding?” He said, with a hand in his pocket, as if it was nothing. 

After you said nothing, he spoke again, looking down slightly, “Were you always that flat or are you using something?”

“EH?” You panicked. He took his free hand and poked your chest with his pointer finger. You crossed your arms over your chest by instinct.

“W-what the hell?!”

“Ah, it’s tough. Chest wraps?”

You were screaming internally.

“Tsukishima-kun please don’t say anything about it to anyone!!” You were lightly beating his chest with your fists.

“About what? That you’re a girl?”

“SHHH. YES THAT, PLEASE TSUKI?” You felt like crying. “How long have you known?”

“Tch, it wasn’t hard to figure out you know. No one on the team has seen you change, you’re barely sweating at practice, you cross your legs femininely when you sit down, and you get super giddy after looking at cat pictures.”

Ugh cats are so cute though…

You mentally smacked yourself in the face, now wasn’t the time to think about cute cat pictures. You started again, “Why did you wait so long to tell me then!?”

He bobbed his shoulders, “I dunno, I guess I wanted to see how long it’d take for you to notice that I knew. But then I got impatient.”

 You huffed, “Who else knows?”

“Anyone smart would’ve figured it out by now, but I guess everyone is just dumb.”

Phew, you felt a little relieved; at least Tsukishima is the only one who knows.

“Tsuki-kun, please keep this is a secret!” You bowed, with your hands in a praying motion.

“What the, Tsuki-kun—since when were we that close—anyway, even if I did, how would that benefit me?” He stated. He had a point; he didn’t have any obligation to you to keep it a secret. But you were getting desperate; you didn’t want this to ruin your chances of playing volleyball at a great school.

“I-I’ll do anything you want! I’ll get you anything you want! Yamaguchi-kun said you liked strawberry shortcake; I’ll get you apiece everyday! O-or, do your homework for you! I don’t know, ANYTHING!! Just don’t say anything to anyone!” you trailed off, “please...?” You looked up at him with big eyes.

“How about this then,” he took your chin again and tilted your head up to face his. This time, he inched forward and touched his lips towards yours. After what seemed like an eternity, he backed away and let out a short chuckle. Right after that, he opened the door and left the storage room. Your heart was beating like it was about to explode. You just stood there, in silence, but in your head, you were rolling around on the floor and back flipping into the sun.

You were feeling extremely flustered and just smacked your cheeks multiple times. Once you felt that you were almost back to normal, you grabbed your bags and walked home, without even looking back to see if you put all of the equipment away or change out of your work out clothes.

If you’re gonna do that then we must be REALLY close…


Tsukishima Picture: @ENGAWAX on Twitter

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