9. *Despondent Trumpet Noises*

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Yamaguchi kept true to his word and didn’t say anything about you or your relationship with Tsukishima. Nationals was almost a month away and the team has been practicing extra hard for the preparation of the match. It was a little reassuring knowing that you would only have to worry about nationals and not your secret being exposed. Although, innocent whispers throughout the team created rumors and those rumors created gossip within the school.

Daichi, Tanaka, and Sugawara were talking in the clubroom casually before practice when things had spread.

“I definitely think there’s something going on between Tsukishima and (l/n)!” Sugawara started.

“I agree!! Let’s ask them about it and celebrate!” Tanaka shouted.

Daichi joined in the conversation as well after a chuckle due to Tanaka’s comment; “I think there’s something between them too! I don’t think it’s really weird, though, for a relationship in the team; but it’s strange, I feel like it’s as almost if (l/n) is actually a girl, that’s the vibe I get from him. Haha absurd though, isn’t it? Or maybe I’m just scrutinizing him too hard for having such feminine poise.”

“But it’s so true though! (L/n) could so pass off as a girl, I can see it.” The silver haired boy said.


At that instant, Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita were on their way to the clubroom when they all tuned in selectively.

“…In the team… it’s…weird… is actually a girl...”

The three froze in their steps once they heard what they did and quietly tip toed back to where they came from, away from the clubroom.

“Dude did you hear that just now?! It sounds like someone within the team is actually a girl!!” Ennoshita yelled in a whisper.

“Yeah, but who could it be?” Narita said.

“Hmm,” Kinoshita pondered for a moment, “Do you think it could be (l/n)? J-just an assumption though! I don’t know; it could be anyone.”

“No, no what you’re saying could be right. Now that I think about it, (l/n) has never changed in the club room with us, he’s always cleaning up after practice.” Ennoshita said.

“So true… but that could just mean anything! Let’s not assume until we know for sure.”

“All right, sounds fair.”

And news spread around like that for about a week until you finally heard about it. However, somewhere along the circulation of the rumor, your name was dropped or people never heard it, so all the rumor was is that among the male student body, there hides actually a girl. You found out from Hinata after school, who came running from across the hallway to where you and Tsukishima were standing.

“(L/N)! DID YA HEAR?!”

“Hinata that’s really vague, haha.”

“Okay so listen to this: apparently there’s a girl hiding as a guy at this school. Isn’t that weird?!”

Your heart sunk into the deepest pit of the Mariana Trench. You didn’t know what to do, you looked up at Tsukishima and he was just as speechless. Ennoshita passed by just as Hinata said that and spoke,

“Woah, so it is true!? Someone on the team is a girl!?”

“Hwa? It’s someone on the team? I only heard that it was about someone in school!” Hinata said.

“Yeah I heard Daichi talk in the club room that it was someone on our team!”

“OOH. LET’S GO TO PRACTICE NOW AND ASK DAICHI ABOUT IT!” Hinata yelled, and ran off to the clubroom. You all anxiously trailed behind him.

When you reached the clubroom, everyone was already there, seemingly talking about the circulating rumor.

“Bye Kei, it was nice knowing you. I’m going to jump off the moon. I’ve lived a good life.” Was all you could say to him.

“D-don’t be ridiculous, come on, we can straighten this out.” He dragged you over to where the team was conversing and Ennoshita spoke.

“There’ve been rumors going around the school that I’m sure you guys have all heard about. Captain, we heard you speak the other day in the clubroom! Who’s the girl on the team?”

“Huh? I never said that anyone is a girl, we were just talking about how (l/n) could pass off as a girl…
 He gave a weak laugh while scratching the back of his head. You felt slightly relieved at his statement.

“Oohh…” Ennoshita said.

Kinoshita joined in the conversation, looking at Ennoshita and Narita “But remember how we said that it would make sense if it was (l/n)???”

Narita was voice of reason, “Yeah, but we said no assuming!”

But regardless, everyone looked over at you.

Tanaka yelled in a jokingly but slightly serious manner, “(L/N) TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT!” and everyone ran closer towards you.

“Gahh!!” You shrieked while shielding your arms over your body as everyone rushed over to you, then Tsukishima blocked them with his person.

“Tsuki, I know you and (l/n) are close, but we need the information. It’s for science.” Sugawara said.

You decided to be brave, and just get it out.

“OKAY, OKAY. EVERYONE BACK UP I’LL JUST SAY IT.” The team did as you said and tuned in well.

“All right. It’s true…” you stopped and looked around, the team leaned in even closer, “Tsuki is a girl.”

“EEEHHHHHH?” They said in unison.

Tsukishima lightly punched you on the arm.

“Ow! UGH OKAY GOD, YEAH I’M A GIRL.” You closed your eyes to await their reaction. Even though everyone was surprised by the truth, they weren’t as astonished as you’d imagine.

“I know we’re supposed to be really dumbfounded, but I’m not all too shocked. I kind of expected it, in a way…” Daichi said. The team nodded their head in agreement.

Your face lit up, “So does this mean you guys won’t tell anyone?!!? PLEASE??” You begged.

The captain just gave a smile and nodded his head, “You’re a good player and student. We’ll just act like we didn’t know and take this team to nationals!”

“OSU!” Everyone shouted.

“But I don’t know how long we can keep such a big thing away from the school…”

“Thank you all so much!! But, I understand… I’ll tell the school after nationals, and that’ll probably end my time here at Karasuno.” You bowed to your team, “Please welcome me to continue on with the team to nationals!”

“YEAH!” They threw their fists in the air and practice continued. 

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