1. A Girl Within the Team

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        You finally finished middle school. You were going into high school. But now comes for the tough decision, which high school? Your top priority was a school with a strong volleyball team, but you didn't want to go too far from home. Volleyball was your favorite sport--you've played it ever since you were young and you were good at it too, and you knew that--but you knew that the high schools around you had no good female teams. Although, there was one high school that stuck out to you, and it was Karasuno High School.

Karasuno had a girl's team before, but they disbanded. You could always reform a new girl's volleyball club, but it would be hard to recruit good members, and you wanted to push your talents to the max and go to nationals. There was one way that you could though; Karasuno had a strong boy’s team. You thought about it for a bit. Your idea seemed really farfetched, but for some reason you didn’t trash it. Would it work? The more you thought about it, the more you wanted to go through with it. You wanted to enroll to Karasuno High School as a boy.

But you know your parents would never let that happen, so you just enrolled into the closest high school.

 *ring ring*

“Oh, my phone,” You reach in your pocket, pull out your phone, and check the caller ID, “It’s Mom!”

“Hey, Mom, what’s up?”

“_____, your father and I have news to tell you, so hurry home as soon as possible!”

“Huh? Uh, alright, I’ll be home soon, then!” You ended the call and start heading home. What was that about? You got scared, wondering what your parents are going to tell you. It didn’t sound like you were in trouble; by the way your mom was talking. All of your thinking led you to your front door.

You walk inside, “I’m home!”

“Oh, _____! Welcome home!” Your mother warmly greets you and motions you to come into the living room.

 You sit down at table in front of your parents.

 “So…. What’s the news?” You ask curiously.

“Well, I was just offered a promotion overseas in America for my job, and we’ve decided to let you stay here by yourself so you can attend school while your mother and I go to America.”

Wait, what was that, living in Japan alone?

“…Is this for real?” You said, in shock about the thought.

“Yes, it would be better for you to continue with your education here instead of learning a new life in America. We have your new apartment ready for you to live in; we’ll be leaving in a week. Sorry for the short notice, it was a hard decision for us to make, but we’ll know you’ll do fine.”

You nodded and look up at you parents, “Don’t worry, I’ll make the best out this situation and focus hard at school!”

You were sad that your parents were going abroad, but you understood that it would be best for the family.


About a week and a half has passed. Your parents left to America and you finished moving all of your belongings to your new apartment that you'll be living in for your high school life. To make yourself feel less sad, you tried to think of all of the pros. 

"I can practice volleyball as late as I want! I wouldn’t get nagged by my mother to clean my room everyday! I could transfer schools and join Karasuno’s volleyball team!”

That's right, you could transfer and join the team that you could really excel in. You thought about it some more, and you decided, you would. But first, you had to change your appearance.

You look in the mirror; you looked nothing like a boy. Your hair was like a girl's and you had boobs. Where should you start? Reaching over your desk, you took some scissors and took a deep breath. You cut your hair to mimic a guy's. It worked and honestly it looked quite believable. One last problem: boobs. You set out to buy a binder, and it compressed your chest quite well, but for safe measure, you bandaged your chest with an adjustable chest wrap on top of the binder. Transformation complete! You still couldn't believe that you were doing this all for volleyball, but you just loved it so much.

The next morning, you headed out to Karasuno to get your transfer papers settled, and it worked! You were now a male student of Karasuno High School. You went out to buy their uniform and prepared for tomorrow.


*ding ding*

You turned off your alarm and got out of bed. You made breakfast, brushed your teeth and went to go change. You stood in front of your black high school uniform made for boys. Shamelessly, you put it on along with your binder and looked in the mirror. You really did look like a boy, although, a small framed, pretty boy at that. Bracing yourself, you headed out the door and walked to school.

You stood in your classroom, 1-4, and greeted the class, “Hello everyone! I’m the new transfer student, (l/n) (f/n). Please welcome me to your school!” You bowed and followed the teacher’s instructions to sit in the empty seat of the back row.

Your seat was one desk away from the window; the one right next to the window went to a blond with glasses that was listening to something on his headphones. He was completely inattentive to what was going on in front of the class. You took your seat and tried to talk to him to get to know your new seatmate.

“Hey, I’m (l/n), what’s your name?” You whispered.

He looked over and glared at you, “How annoying…”


The teacher stopped and everyone turned around to look over at you. Your face grew red.

“(l/n)! I know you just got here but please try not to disrupt lecture, okay? And Tsukishima, put away your headphones and listen!”

“Tsk…” Tsukishima sassily put away his headphones and glared at you once again.

Other than that, your first day of school went by smoothly, no one suspected that you were a girl. But then you overheard someone talking in the halls and you listened,

“Kageyama, you ready for volleyball practice?”

You ran to whoever said that “DID YOU SAY VOLLEYBALL?”

“Y-Yeah! I haven’t seen you before, are you new?”

“Yup! I just transferred here. I want to join the volleyball club!”

“SWEET OKAY! I’m Hinata Shoyou, you can come to the gym in a little bit and talk to the captain!”

“Alright I’ll do that!”

You jumped with excitement, the volleyball team! Finally! You couldn’t wait to just play a game and see what the team is like. You grabbed your belongings and headed to the gym. You peaked through the doors of the gym and saw everyone practice their tosses and receives. You ran inside and were amazed at the size of the gym. This was nothing like a middle school court, this was much bigger and the players were huge. Although it was probably because they were high school boys and not middle school girls… A large brunet approached you at the door and greeted you with a deep voice that gave you chills,

"Yo! I’m third-year captain, Sawamura Daichi. Hinata here said a transfer student was interested in joining the team! I take it that'd be you?”

You nodded “Y-yes! I just transferred and would like to join th-“ You stopped in mid-sentence when you saw a certain blond practicing a serve. “YOU!” you pointed at him and caused him to jump a little and drop the ball. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE.”

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