10. Making Up

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The event that everyone had practiced, trained, conditioned, and worked so hard for was approaching. Nationals. It was in a few days and the whole team was anxious for it. You had been practicing by yourself everyday after practice with the team just to better-prepare yourself. You strained your body by perfecting every single skill you could think of, training in all positions so you could know what to do in all situations. And it showed; you sprained your ankle that one day at practice. It hurt like a bitch to just walk and it was swollen, but you continued to practice. You were seen with your ankle brace to support your foot while training and were also seen with new bruises and marks everyday.

Some would say that you were crazy training to be the best all-arounder with an injury, and in a sense, you were. You practiced to save all kinds of spikes, jumped to whole new heights for blocking, and perfected your tosses and receives.
Your hard work was paying off, but you were physically stressing your body and one individual didn't like how much you were unhealthily absorbed in volleyball.
You were practicing outside when that person confronted you about it.


"Oh, yo Kei!" You said while spiking a volleyball to a wall. Just when you were about to receive it from the wall, Tsukishima stepped in and grabbed the ball. "Hey!"

"Tch, take a damn break would you?" He was visibly irritated, it kind of scared you a bit. You stopped and walked towards him.

"K-Kei what's wrong?"

"This is what's wrong." He palmed the volleyball and held it up. "You're too obsessed and neglecting everything around you that's not volleyball."

You got defensive, "I am not! I just have to get everything perfect for nationals!"

"Is it perfect when you've hurt yourself?! You can barely walk. With all of the constant strain and impact you take on with your ankle it'll never heal properly!"

"Trust me, it's gotten better I swear! I stretch it every night." You said proudly.

"Oh yeah? Tch, well that doesn't dismiss that fact that you're sill neglecting other things."

You thought for a moment. Your grades were still fine... You've been eating healthy and have been getting a decent amount of sleep each night...

"Neglecting what? I think I got everything in check..."

He clicked his tongue and glared at you, "Oh is that so? I'm so glad for you." And walked away.

Damn, what's his problem?!

Tsukishima yelling at you killed your vibe so you reluctantly walked home, feeling sad that you couldn't practice as much as you wanted tonight.

Kei though... Now that I think about it, that was our first real fight... He seemed really upset.

You felt so guilty; he was arguing with you and you let him walk away. But why was he so angry? You thought hard about what would trigger his feelings, replaying the conversation in your head. Once you finally figured it out, you felt horrible.

Oh my God, how could I be so stupid! I'm the worst... I've been neglecting him.

You smacked yourself on your head. You needed to do something about this before you let the situation rot in open-endedness. You sprinted the rest of the way home as best as you could with your sprain, quickly freshened up, and changed into your feminine attire with your wig and school uniform. You ran back out and headed to one place before running all the way to his house.

*Knock Knock*

You knocked on his front door and rang the doorbell. His mother answered the door.

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