12. News

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You felt your heart sink and the weight of the a thousand bricks on your shoulders. You knew everyone was thinking of you at that exact moment. But they just stood there unable to, or more like, unwanting to, comprehend Ukai's statement. You were incredibly nervous now and shaking slightly. How did they find out?! You knew that you were going to have to quit after nationals, but no one was supposed to know of your gender. The team won't get the victory and it's all your own fault.

You swallowed hard and spoke, "W-what's going to happen?"

"Well right now, the 'National Champion' title is being withheld until they figure this out. The school and officials are reviewing the situation."

No one said anything. There was a dark aura that filled the one cheerful atmosphere. Your body went numb as you were ghost-white while at loss for words. Tsukishima decided to break the tension.

"I guess we'll just have to wait until then."

"Mhm. That's all we can do. You guys should go home and sleep, it was a long day." Ukai concluded.

The coach left and Takeda-sensei spoke. "I know I'm pretty useless in volleyball and being your guys' advisor, but leave it up to me! I-I'll try to come up with something." With that, Takeda-sensei bowed and left as well. One by one, the team left for their own house as well, in silence.

You wanted to say something: This is because of me! I'll talk to the school, you guys shouldn't suffer what happens because of me! I-I'm sorry.

Before you could though, it was just you and Tsukishima in the gym.

"Come on I'll walk you home."

You just looked down at your feet, clenching your fists hard. "I knew this would have happened eventually... B-but I was supposed to quit as a boy before they found out, not as a girl!"

"What's done is done. We'll see what will happen soon enough." He came close to you and just gave you a much needed sweet hug.

You buried your face in his chest. "I know..." You sighed. "I'm just going to...drop out and figure out where to go after that."

Tsukishima let go of you, his expression hurt.


You didn't go to school the next day. You wanted to drop out, but you really wanted to stay at Karasuno, so you were just going to wait until they expelled you. So instead of going to school, you started to pack up your apartment.

Around noon, a knock came to your door.

"Huh, Kei? What are you doing here? School is still going on isn't it?"

"I should be asking you the same question. What have you been doing?"

"O-oh you know, just some cleaning..."

He opened the door all the way and walked past you to enter your apartment. Everything was in boxes. Tsukishima just looked around uncomfortably until you received a call.


"(f/n)! What's this about acting as a boy in school?! We got a call from Karasuno. We know what happened."

"S-sorry, I know."

You could hear a sigh over the phone, "We knew we shouldn't've left you alone. We're making arrangements for you to leave to America."

You and Tsukishima were shocked. He could hear slightly through the phone, but he definitely heard that last part.

"W-what?! No I can't! Something's going to be figured out!!"

"Like what?"

"..." You were silent.

They sighed over the phone, "We're sorry (f/n), we can't trust you anymore."

They hung up, leaving you hurt. All you could think to do was turn to Tsukishima and have him comfort you.


You locked yourself in your apartment, to finish packing, think, and look for ways to possibly save youself out of this until it was the day that you had a flight to America.

"I-I'm sorry everyone..." You spoke to yourself outloud, letting tears fall down your face as you looked at your empty apartment.

Your belongings were being prepared to be shipped out to America and all you had were your carry-ons. The flight was later that night, and staying inside the empty apartment was too depressing so you walked out, locked your door for the last time, and headed out.

At the school

"What was that?! The school is willing to compromise??" Takeda-sensei was unintentionally shouting out of excitement from his phone conversation. "Okay!! I'll tell them!" He frantically texted everyone in the team group chat to gather at the gym. Only, your phone was off. Everyone met except you.

"Okay everyone's here, but where's (l/n)?" Ukai said.

"Well I think it'll be fine, I can tell you guys the news first!" Takeda informed.

Tsukishima tried calling and texting you, but nothing was working. He started to get worried, but if this news had to do with you, he wanted to hear it.

"Good news guys!! I checked out the competition rules and it said nothing of having a girl in the team or the team having to be an all boys team."

Everyone cheered like wild."THAT MEANS WE REALLY DID WIN NATIONALS!!!"

"HELL YEAH FOR REAL!!" Tanaka yelled.

Tsukishima wasn't so much concerned for that as he was for you though. "What about (f/n)? What will happen to her?"

"At most, she'll probably have a months worth of school service to do, some detentions, and be suspended from club activities for a month."

"Hey like me!" Nishinoya brought up.

"Exactly! And, she just has to attend school as a girl from now on. But everything will be official once she talks to the school about it."

"Woo (l/n) doesn't have to leave!" the team roared.

Tsukishima wanted to be excited but you didn't know of the news yet. "(f/n) isn't answering her phone, I'll go find her." they agreed and watched as he left the gym.

He ran to your apartment and knocked on the door but it was locked. "(f/n) open the door you don't have to leave!" after a while of no answer, he started to get worried.

He went down to the front desk and was informed that you had ended your lease that morning. His heart started to sink.

She couldn't have gone to the airport already, has she?!

He knew the flight was scheduled to leave later that night, you couldn't have gone. Slightly panicking, Tsukishima ran trying to find you, looking everywhere he could think. The park, cafés, the classroom, libraries... No where. Soon it was getting dark and the flight would be leaving in a few hours.


Worst came to worst and he started running for the airport.

(f/n) where are you?!?

Karasuno's Secret (Tsukishima x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now