8. Lots of Nervous Laughter

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It was almost unbelievable that you and Tsukishima were actually going out. You would've never thought in a million years that he would actually like someone other than himself, and you would've never thought that you would slowly fall for him. Perhaps he had felt the same way, you thought. Despite how unbelievable it was for you, you only wanted to hug him or get close to him whenever you saw him-and you saw him everyday. The fact you couldn't show affection publically together was what made you want him even more; it was a strange feeling. It was almost as if it was a long distance relationship. All that you two could do was walk to and from school together and eat lunch together. Not only did he walk with you, but also, he was kinder to you. Tsukishima would help you clean up after practice and give you your water bottle during breaks. He was also less rude and sassy to you, although little remarks would come up here and there. The sudden change in both your guy's behavior caught on to your teammates.

The team was quietly whispering together before Kei and you had entered the gym.

"Hey, don't you think Tsuki and (l/n) have been getting really close lately?" Sugawara said.

"Yeah! I noticed that too! I wonder what's up... Could it be?..." Daichi replied.

"Huh, I never would've guessed that Tsukishima would swing that way. Not that there's anything wrong with it, I just can't imagine that tall idiot with anyone in general." Kageyama joined in.

"But what about that one girl he was on a date with?!" Hinata whispered loudly.

"Well then that means he could be..." Daichi said.

"CHEATING?" Interrupted Hinata. Kageyama smacked him on the head.

"Nah, I think he's widening his options. There's nothing wrong with being open to guys and girls," Tanaka added. "but with (l/n), though?! He's too nice for that sassy kid!"

"Mhm, agreed," nodded Nishinoya; "maybe he's getting close with him because he looks kind of girly?"

"That is true, but he's still a guy. In a way though, it'll be good to have positive emotions before nationals" Said Daichi. Karasuno had made its way to nationals! You had all worked hard, and the match was approaching.

"Right! Swinging both ways is cool too; maybe instead of questioning it we can support them! That way, we can all be in good moods for the match!" Sugawara said encouragingly.

"YEAH!!" the team replied. Yamaguchi just stood there awkwardly; he didn't really know what to think about you two, whether what they were saying was true. He would ask about it later.

Right after their huddle, you both entered the gym, and everyone looked over at you both.

"Tsukishima! (l/n)! You two will be practicing with each other today only!" Commanded the captain.

"Huh? Uh, okay" You said strangely. It was a weird order, but you thought nothing of it. You both did as they said, but being you, you were absorbed in the sport and focused very hard to practice your skills and perfect them, blocking everything out in the process. However, when you were coming down from a jump to spike the ball, you landing slightly to the side of your foot, which resulted in you applying all of your weight on your ankle, and you fell.

"Gah!!" You cried out in pain, and Tsukishima immediately rushed over to help you.

"(l/n)! Are you okay?! That fall looked pretty bad, you should get your ankle checked out, it might be a sprain and get swollen," Daichi said. "TSUKISHIMA! You should bring him to the nurse's."

Soon after, Tsukishima brought you too the nurse's office to check out your ankle. Yamaguchi thought this would be a good time to go up to you two and confront to you what was going around, and to see how your ankle was doing, of course.

At the nurse's office, Kei wrapped your ankle with tape very meticulously with the most delicate pressure as to not hurt you.

"T-thank you, Kei"

"It's nothing. I just can't believe you had the nerve to get hurt before nationals." He sighed.

"Well I didn't do it on purpose!! It should get better soon; it's not too bad."

"Does it hurt?"

"N-no, it's nothing really."

At that moment, Kei got up and brought his face centimeters away from yours and spoke in a low voice, "You don't have to act tough around me..." You then put your arms around his neck in attempt to bring him close, tilting your head to the side slightly, until someone came in through the door.

"Oi, (l/n)? Are you all right?" said a familiar voice-it was Yamaguchi.

Before you could even react, Yamaguchi walked in and saw both of you ever-so-close to each other and became the brightest shade of red anyone could imagine.

"S-S-SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO INTRUDE!!" He bowed about a hundred times. You both instantly tried to get into your normal positions,

"Y-Yamaguchi it's not what it looks like!" you said frantically.

"Actually it kind of was, to be honest." Tsukishima said. Well he wasn't lying... But he wasn't helping the situation.



"T-t-that Tsuki is bi and likes (l/n)..."

"WHAT? The team thinks I'm bi for her?!" And pointed at you.

"I-I guess!! That's just what they said, I didn't know if it was true or not so that's why I came here to ask!!" Yamaguchi paused for a moment, "Wait... did you just say her?"

Well shit.

"NOPE, UH, HE SAID 'HIM' DUH, BECAUSE I'M A GUY..." You yelled nervously. But Yamaguchi is too smart for that and you both knew that. Tsukishima realized his mistake and started acting nervously as well.

"Oh my god (l/n) are you a girl?"

"...There's a good possibility that you're right..." you said shyly.

"Wow I never noticed.." Yamaguchi was speechless. He asked why and you told him the whole story. He seemed a little understanding, but he still couldn't get over the fact that he hadn't realized and felt deceived.

"Yamaguchi I'm really sorry! This just means a lot to me!" You looked like you were about to cry.

"D-don't cry! It's okay, I forgive you!!" He said back, trying to solace you. "Although, does that mean you two are...?"

The blood rushed to your cheeks, but Kei just replied with a simple, "Yup". Curse him for having such a nonchalant personality.

"Please don't say anything to anyone though!! I really want to at least go to nationals with the team before I'm found out... Once I am, I'd probably have to leave the school..." You got sad, and you didn't want to think about it. There was nowhere else that you could play after Karasuno.

"I won't say anything purposefully, I promise!" He said strongly.

"GUCCI THANK YOU SO MUCH!" You got up and jumped but fell because of your ankle. "Ouch..."

"Tsk, stop being so careless." Tsukishima gently helped you back up onto the bed. Yamaguchi thought it was actually kind of cute how Tsukishima was acting so sweetly towards you, and smiled to himself. He decided to head back to the gym to let you guys be alone.

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