→ NINETEEN (real life + instagram)

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Over the course of the next week, Ben and Liviana slowly started to mend things. They talked, smiled and healed. Liviana told him everything, how her grandmother died, how her mom left, how her dad drank too much, and how her abusive exboyfriend brought the drugs into her life. How she had struggled to become sober. How she was sober, but still afraid of being happy. Ben just nodded, hugged her and understood. They became friends again. 


Ben had agreed to come over for New Years Eve, for Liviana still didn't feel ready to go out, and he pretended that he had nothing better to do. He had said this was more important to him, and Liviana tried to believe him. She had spend the last week on cleaning. The entire apartment shined, she had washed all her clothes and done all the dishes. Just earlier this day, she had gone out and brought groceries. She could feel herself patch up again, as she stood and cooked in the kitchen. She had always loved cooking, and was pretty good at it. She just wanted to do something special for Ben. 

He arrived around five in the afternoon, with a bottle of wine. He was wearing a suit. They had agreed to dress up, for it was New Years eve afterall. Liviana was wearing a blue dress, which hugged her curves, and made her hair look regal. She met him in the door, with a hug. He made her heart skip a beat, but she knew that she couldn't allow that feeling to come and destroy things again. She wouldn't lose their friendship for anything in the world. "It smells so good in here!" Ben exclaimed, making his way into the kitchen. "Well, I do hope you are hungry, I have for sure made enough food" Liviana laughed, as Ben admired the clean apartment. "You cleaned everything?" shyly she nodded. "I'm so proud of you" his voice was sincere, and what would have made her feel like a stupid child, made her feel warm inside. She just smiled at him, as a thank you. "Glasses are in there", Liviana pointed at a cupboard, and Ben went to get the glasses and pour the wine. 

Three hours later, they were still laughing over the food. "This is really good!" Ben mumbled  with his mouth full, causing yet another laugh from the redhead. Her stomach almost hurt from laughing too much. "I'm glad you liked it. You can get the rest of it, if you want to?" she smiled, starting to clear the table. Ben nodded enthusiastically, before getting up to help her. 

They ended the night at the couch, watching corny christmas movies, which they both loved, though being too stubborn to admit it. As the clock hit midnight, Liviana placed her head on Bens shoulder. "Happy new year" she whispered. "Happy new year, Liv. May this one be the best yet." He placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head. "You know, I have a strange feeling it will be" she smiled, before closing her eyes, just taking it all in. It had been a whirlwind of a year, but right now, she was at peace as they went into the next one. 


notlivianamassey: happy new year everybody

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notlivianamassey: happy new year everybody. as we enter into 2019, let us remember everything we have learned and earned. let us make this new year even better. I love you guys!

📸: benbarnes


benbarnes: happy new year, everyone!

username: happy new year!

user: the fact that they are spending New Years eve together, makes me so happy.


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