→ SIXTYTHREE (real life)

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Livianas head where resting in her hand, as she was looking at the small person at the other side of the table. Ellinor was chattering away in her little chair, telling tales they didn't understand. They had been her parents for almost four months, but from the moment they had held her for the first time, Ellinor had been home. She was such a happy child, and she had settled so well. Ben was the most amazing father, and Liviana had fallen, if possible, even more in love with him. 

"A penny for your thoughts" Ben leaned a little over the table to whisper at her, while putting his hand on top of hers, sending shivers down her spine. "Oh, they're worth a lot more" Liviana whispered back, finally taking her eyes of their daughter, only to meet her boyfriends. She lit up in an even brighter smile than the one who was already at her lips. "I'm just really happy" she confessed, intertwining their fingers. "Me too" Ben nodded, just as Ellinor made a happy sound to join in. "And I think she is happy too" he added, causing all three of them to laugh in joy. They finished the rest of their dinner in happiness, as Ellinor kept telling them of her day in her own blabbering language. It was a whole new feeling of peace and consistency, which Liviana had never know before. She had thought, that life couldn't get better when she got Ben. She thought she hadn't deserved better, but she had been wrong. She knew now that she had earned, though hard work and a lot of healing, this love that she had gotten. All she had, had to do was learn to let it in. 

Ben's point of view

Ben had a sleepy Ellinor sitting on his arm, as the three of them stood in the kitchen. Liviana was making coffee, and as the last drops of sunlight fell through the peak in the blinds and hit her face, she was even more beautiful than ever before. Ellinors small head found to rest on his shoulder, and Ben almost wanted to cry in happiness. It was the moments like these, with his family, that he cherished the most. Every thing that had ever been said, was true. No applause, no award could ever come close to this feeling. This raw pure love that was just his. He didn't have to say that to Liviana, he knew that she knew. It was the most comfortable thing, having someone he didn't have to explain himself to. She just got it. So he instead he just put his other arm around her waist and kissed her gently, when she turned her head to him. Liviana let out a small chuckle and a stray of her red hair fell in front of her face. With a gentle hand he put it behind her ear, and the bright smile she sent him, made his stomach turn. He looked down at their daughter, now asleep on his arm. "I better go put her to sleep" he whispered, and Liviana nodded. She gave first Ellinor then Ben a kiss on the cheek, as she whispered a goodnight. Then she turned back to the coffee, as Ben slowly made his way up the stars, carefully as not to wake the sleeping child. 


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