Author's note

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hi everyone, if you're new here hey, if you've read this before, welcome back. this fic was on hiatus and undergoing major editing of the plot. so i have a few things i want to address

1. chapter 1-6 is my old writing aka how i used to right before and let me tell your rn that it's not the best at alll it's kind of bad to be honest. but unfortunately, in those chapters there's no part of the plot that i have to change so im leaving it that way.

2. from chapter 7 and on is my new and very much improved writing that im proud of and im very sure that you'll be able to see a big difference in grammar n so on.

3. oh and also if you see some old comments that don't make sense, they're probably from the old plot so you shouldn't worry or anything

that's all for the disclaimer, have fun reading!!<3


Before we start, I'd like to apologize in advance for the amount of spelling mistakes in this book. I promise it won't be that much (I hope).

Anyways, This book contains:
gl - togachako and momojirou
OOC Bakugou (kinda)
izuku having daddy issues
bakugou and izuku being absolutely clueless. (as usual)

If they are any other warnings, I will mention them at the start of the chapter, cuz i dont wanna spoil any of the good stuff rn

There will not be smut bc it makes me uncomfortable while writing it.

Lastly, thank you for clicking on my book.

That's all.


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