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Adela woke up to light shining on her face, she sat straight and yawned.

*Another day in Encanto where I am invisible to everyone except my mamá* she thought.

She got off of her bed and went to open the windows watching as the towns people start doing their morning chores.Adella started to tie her hair into a messy bun while looking through her closet picking a plain sage green top and aesthetic brownish coloured skirt.
(Sorry! If you don't like it then change it!)

Adela picked up the book she was currently reading and placed it in her book bag and slide it on. Along with a few just in case items. She slid down the stairs and ran into the kitchen where her mamá was cooking breakfast for the familia.

"Morning mamá, want me to help with anything?"
"No thank you mi Adela, go sit down with your sister. Breakfast is ready."

Adela frowned immediately at the idea of sitting next to her sister- her sister wasn't perfect like señorita perfecta Isabella but they were close friends, Adela would always get compared with her and she was really sick of it. So instead of having breakfast with her familia, she grabbed a green and red apple and ate the red one while stuffing the green apple into her book bag, while putting on her f/c ruana that had a hood sewn to it.

"ADELA WHERE ARE YOU GOING-" her mom shouted from behind but her voice was gone as soon as Adella ran through a big and busy crowd. An all too familiar voice was near by and she was surrounded by kids and toddlers. Adela sighed and put on her hood and while running towards the girl and her group of toddlers.
Mirabel's POV
"What about you?"
"Yea what's your gift!?"
"Tell us!!"

The kids were surrounding me- this feels like an interrogation uhmmmmm.
I laughed nervously at them when I saw something or is it someone running towards us, she was getting closer each second we watched and then- the person pulled me away from the child dragging her while running.

"WOaH! AdIOs!" I bid the kids.
The children started running after us still trying to get their answers but they couldn't catch up.We lost them after a while and ended up in an ally way.

"Uh-thank you?Stranger?" I said.
"It's me... Mirabel." Adela bonked her head as she spoke.
"Right...right sorry...ow..."

"You should really take a break and not tell the kids about your family every day.It's going to turn into MY morning chore to get you away from them." Adella stated,
"Sure...lo siento mi Adela..."I apologised.

"C'mon I'll walk you to casita. Or else you might as well sing another song about your familia...welcome to the family Madrigal-" Adela mimicked Mirabel's voice.
The both of us laughed, we heard casita welcoming me home and abuela calling my name.
"Well that's it for today, I guess I'll see you tomorrow for Antonio's ceremony. Tell him I said hi by the way."smiled Adela while hugging Mirabel.

"Yea see you tomorrow!"I waved goodbye to the girl while walking into casita.
Camilo's POV

Camilo Madrigal watched as his older cousin hugged the prettiest girl he had ever seen. He had never seen her around town before, maybe she was new here? But nobody has ever passed the Encanto mountains so she had to be here all along. He watched as the girl walked down the hill back into the village. While his cousin Mirabel, walked inside the casita. He quickly wore his yellowish ruana while running down the stairs and ran up to his cousin.

"So...Mirabel heh- uhm hi so what's the girls name?" He asked nervously,
"Camilo-what girl?" His older cousin asked.

Camilo shape shifted into Adela and then back to himself really quickly scared that the rest of his family would notice him acting differently.
"Woah-okay. YOU LIKE ADELA?!"Mirabel laughed,
"Shshshshsh-yes maybe ok I don't know!"
His sister Dolores walked past the carrying a basket of fresh baked bread but stopped in front of him,"Camilo you really need to be more quiet when you talk about girls-your lucky I won't expose anything to mamá and papá or abuela. You can ask me about her later after I put these away." she walked away while humming, "Well I am most certainly not helping you Mr Camilo." Mirabel said in a teasing tone, "Fine-whatever Dolores can help me, but please don't say anything to anyone.Please? Ok thank you I owe you one!Adios!" Camilo quickly left for Dolores's room.

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