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Just wanna say I might change some parts of the real story for the sake of this story to be longer :]
Last chapter...

The green glass showed Mirabel standing in-front of the casita...but the casita had cracks all over it but the vision still wasn't completed, there was a few missing pieces...
Mirabel's POV
"I though we got all the pieces! Why is there still a few missing?!"
"Calm down...maybe we just dropped them on the way back..."
"And what if they're left in Bruno's room! We'll never find out what he saw!"
I covered my face with a cushion and screamed into it, Adela frowned a bit but then placed the green pieces into an empty tin box, she closed the lid and sat on the bed with the box on her lap, "Well for the mean time maybe it's better to hide this? We don't want any of your family to know what's going on do we?"she said softly, I lifted the cushion a little bit and used my free hand to point at the bottom drawer of my nightstand, Adela opened the drawer and placed the tin box there.
"There."she said closing the drawer, "C'mon let's go."
"Go where?" I asked,
"Dinner?Mr Mariano is going to propose to Isabela...remember?"
"Oh yea...do I really have to go?"I whined, she nodded, "Fineeee."
Nobody's POV
"Ah-there you two are, c'mon tía Julieta was worried!"said Dolores, rushing Adela and Mirabel into the dining room. Adela took a seat next to Camilo ;) while Mirabel sat opposite her friend, dinner started and the family passed the dishes around so that everybody could get a little bit of each. Abuela was talking to Mariano's mother while Mariano himself was talking with Isabela, Adela ate noticing Dolores was picking on her food while taking occasional glances at the two lovers, Adela nudged Dolores's arm then placed her free hand on the older girl's shoulder comforting her. Dolores looked at the girl and gave her a reassuring smile signalling her that she was fine, Adela suddenly felt someone kicking her foot, she looked to her left to see Camilo eating, acting as if nothing happened, she started eating again but kicked Camilo back under the table which started a small war between them, a laugh escaped from Adela but she quickly covered it by coughing and apologised.
"I haven't seen you around before,what's your name?" Mr Mariano's mother asked, "Uhm, it's Adela Alvarez."she replied politely, "Oh? I didn't know the Alvarez's have another daughter, are you perhaps Camilo's betrothed?"the woman asked making the whole table go silent while Adela and Camilo's face turned red, most of the family either smirked or laughed a little but abuela remained emotionless, the two teens laughed awkwardly "Uh- I'm not mentioned a lot a-and n-no we're not uhm..."Adela answered, "Oh my apologies! You two just looked like you were close...so I though..." Mariano's mother chuckled.
"I'm sure they are good for each other, who knows maybe another generation of Madrigals will be born."abuela said smiling a tiny bit, Adela covered half of her face to hide the redness while Camilo choked on his food. "They do spend a lot of time together!" Dolores blurted out before mouthing sorry at the girl next to her, Adela smiled knowing Dolores can't help it sometimes.
"How sweet..."
"Is that why you were always rushing to finish your chores everyday Camilo?"abuela asked, "M-maybe...?".

Knowing her friend was starting to get uncomfortable, Mirabel cut in the conversation "Mariano-why don't you propose to Isabela right now...? Haha..."

"Well since everyone in the Madrigal family  has a gift my son has created a song he wants to preform before the proposal-"
"No!" Mirabel shouted while the family gave her a confused or annoyed look, "I-I mean propose first! Then song haha..."the awkward girl explained but then laid on the floor as if to cover something, Isabela glared at her sister already knowing that she ruined the moment but Mariano got down on one knee and cleared his throat, "Isabela, ever since I first saw you. I fell in love with you instantly,"he began "will you marry me and be my wife?"Isabela was about to answer but was interrupted by a lot of cracking sounds forming around them, they looked around to see the walls were filled with cracks, everyone started to panic, parts of the ceilings and wall tiles were falling, a part of the ceiling hit Mariano's face. Yikes.
Camilo wrapped Adela in his arms in attempt to protect her but then the cracks disappeared and the floor stopped shaking.
The whole family looked at abuela,
"The casita is fine. The magic is safe, everything is fine."she said making the family calm down a little. Some started to help clean up the place while Camilo walked Adela home.
[]~Time skip~[]
Adela's POV

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