☘︎︎[]𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙳𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚊𝚑[]☘︎︎

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Adela's POV

When I arrived back home, mamá was helping papá fixing his shirt while my sister Adelina was running around the house screaming like a toddler, "Ah-there you are mija, please go get yourself ready for dinner I'm very busy right now." mamá asked, I nodded and ran upstairs to check my closet, I don't own a lot of pretty dresses like Adelina, so my only choice was the plain mint coloured dress hanging in my small closet, I quickly changed and brushed my hair deciding to let my hair down for the rest of the night. I walked down the stairs to see Adelina and papá waiting by the door while mamá fixes her hair, I ran up to my mother complimenting her, "Thank you mija- oh si- I wanted to give you this,"she said while taking off her necklace and putting it on me, "It's a family heirloom, and I think it looks better on you."she smiled sweetly. I looked at the white lily pendant dangling on the piece of string, "Gracias mamá...but why didn't you give it to Adelina? She'd look even prettier with it-", "Mija. Your sister has enough jewellery, and I want you to have it. Okay?Now let's go or else we're going to be late." she said while kissing my cheek.


Nobody's POV

Camilo was helping his mother set the dining table that evening, he only looked forward to seeing Adela, at least that's what he was thinking the whole time, maybe they can sneak away from the dinner table and go sit on the roof and watch the moon and stars alone. He imagined her head leaning on his shoulder while they laugh at jokes the he made...
Camilo jumped and shape shifted into abuela, Mirabel, Felix then back to his own self again. He turned around to see abuela standing behind him with an annoyed expression in her face.

"Sí abuela...?"

"Go welcome our guest Camilo and keep yourself together." abuela said sternly,

he nodded and ran out of the dining room opening the front door waiting for the Alvarez family to come.

He saw four people walking up the hill, when they got closer Camilo could see them more clearly, "Buenas noches Mr Alvarez."Camilo greeted the man wearing a white shirt and dark blue pants, Mr Alvarez only nodded back, the next one was Adela's sister Adelina, who was wearing a peach pink dress with hearts at the bottom edge she giggled when Camilo made eye contact with her, he gagged mentally.

Mrs Alvarez came in next wearing a cream coloured dress similar to his tía's but without the apron, Adela came in last wearing a plain mint coloured dress with a white lily pendant hanging around her neck. She looked amazing even tho she wasn't as dressed up as her sister who was constantly staring at me. I held her hand and kissed it getting shocked looks from the other three guests while Adela's face turned red, I led them to the dining where the rest of my family were seated. Adela's family sat in the empty seats, I was about to sit next to Adela when her dad sat down first, I gave him a confused look but then notice the only seat left was the one next to Adelina's. I frowned slightly but was mentally cursing at Mr Alvarez, I walked over and sat down next to Adelina, slightly slouching, but noticing Adela was just sitting on the opposite side. I stopped slouching and sat straight.

☺︎︎  [𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙 𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑠 𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔]  ☺︎︎

Nobody's POV
"Uhm...may I be excused? I need to use the bathroom..."Adela asked, everybody was busy either eating or talking to someone else, her sister Adelina was telling Camilo about what happened to her earlier before dinner while he just nodded at her sometimes, he was getting sick of hearing the high-pitch voice of hers.
Adela's POV
I left the table for the bathroom, I wasn't sure where it is- I guess I'll just walk around and find it myself. I walked passed the kitchen hearing some noises inside, I'm pretty sure it was the rats but I couldn't let them take Camil's tía's food. Casita lit up the candles in the kitchen the moment I walked in, I jumped when I saw a man wearing a green ruana with his hood on holding plates of Julieta's food.

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