꧁𝕀𝕕𝕜 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕟𝕒𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕔𝕙𝕡꧂

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[]Comment a name for this chp if you know what to name it, sorry I got lazy[]
Last chapter...

Adela froze and tapped Camilo's shoulder making him turn around,

"Erm...Camilo...does the candle always glow like that?"

The candle that blessed the Madrigal family was glowing brighter than it ever had, the two teenagers ran down the stairs and into the plaza of casita.

(Is the middle part of casita called a plaza...?Idk sorry)

A glowing orb was created by the flames of the candle and was slowly floating towards Adela and Camilo like a feather,
"Adela...maybe stay behind me...?"he said as he pushed Adela behind him. Adela was shorter shorter than Camilo, her chin resting on his shoulder while both of them backed away slightly from the mysterious orb.
"You think it's gonna kill us even tho it gifted your family with gifts except Mirabel?"The girl behind Camilo whispered,
"I'm not risking getting sick or dying."
"Wait can't your tía just heal you with her food?"
"I just said I'm not risking it..."
"Cobarde,"Adela said "I'm sure it's harmless."
The glowing orb suddenly flew into an empty side of the wall upstairs, the two of them ran back upstairs to the wall were the glow was last seen, Adela touched the wall with her hand revealing an almost invisible door that looked like the rest of their family's magic doors.The door knob had an A on it not sure if it's her initial, Adela reached out to hold the door knob but stopped right before touching it and Camilo looked at each other before Adela turned to the door knob and grabbed it. They were blinded by white lights for a moment, and when the light faded away Adela was gone,

"Adela?!"Camilo whisper shouted, looking around him for his missing best friend,
"What? I'm right here."
"Where? I don't see you!"
"What do you mean I'm standing right in front of you!"
"Adela are you invisible?"
"Very funny Camil I'm right in front of you."
Camilo turned around still seeing nothing, " I'm not princesa. I really can't see you."
Adela smacked his head, "OUCh!!! What was that for!", Camilo exclaimed while Adela tried her hardest not to laugh, "So if I really am invisible- how do I uh- undo it...?", "I dunno, maybe try imagining yourself here?".
Adela just thought about herself being visible, and Camilo jumped and yelped when he landed on his butt, "Ouch...where did you come from..." Camilo said while you lend him a hand helping him get up.
"I've always been next to you, but...I guess I can be invisible now?"
Dolores's POV (Credits to Lia partly for this POV cause I got a little tired..)
Cami and Adela left for a long time but I guess nobody else noticed, I was bored so I decided to eavesdrop on the conversation, you can't blame me, having enhanced hearing doesn't really give you a choice to eavesdrop or not.

So far Cami took Adela to the roof...Adela gave him her necklace...and Adela can turn invisible now...? I would have blurted it out loud, but nobody would believe me anyways. Oh well, guess I'm just gonna have to keep this a secret then.

[]——Time Skip——[]

Adela's POV

I decided to hang out with Mirabel since Camil is busy, she was going on about how she has to save the magic and wants me to help her, and since I had nothing else better to do I foolishly agreed. ( Don't know is 'foolishly' is a word but uh-yea just yea)

She said she already did some investigation a few days ago, "So-we need to get to my tío Bruno's room."Mirabel explained while we walked towards casita, "What!? I said I'll help you! Not get abuela to kick me out or ban me from visiting!" I stopped walking crossing my arms while Mirabel frowned. "Look I know there's a chance of us getting caught but hey-abuela is not going to be home until dinner because tonight it the night where Mariano proposes to Isa,"Mirabel fixed her glasses then dragged me all the way towards casita,"Plus-if we do get caught I'll just take the blame." , "Fine but please don't come to me when abuela takes out the chankla."

The two of us walked into the casita, luckily no one was home. We walk to Bruno's door which was all boarded up, "Whoever nailed those boards definitely did not want anyone coming here."I said, Mirabel turned around asking casita to help us, but casita couldn't, so we did it the old fashion way.

Me and Mirabel were lying on the floor in-front of Bruno's door, the person that placed those boards did a damn well job I'd say. It took forever for both me and Mirabel to pull each board off together, she stood up quickly and opened Bruno's door "Vamos amigos!" , "I am too tired to walk." I said, Mirabel groaned and started to drag me into the room, the inside looked like a corridor with a door way that had sand falling from the top. I got up and dusted my skirt while Mirabel walked closer to the sand putting her hand through it, "What now? There is no way I am going though tha-"before I even finished Mirabel jumped, I heard her scream then landed with a thud. I laughed but then also fell through, next thing I knew I was screaming and landed next to the girl with green glasses whose smirking, "Whose laughing now huh?". I spit the sand out of my mouth and fixed my skirt, noticing it was quiet all of the sudden, I looked at Mirabel who was looking up, I looked at the same direction but then yelled out of frustration. "ARE YOU SIRIUS! HOW DOES BRUNO GO UP THERE EVERYDAY!!!"

"Vamos, it can't be that bad."Mirabel tried to be positive.

[]----Time Skip----[]

"YES FINALLY!!!" Mirabel cheered, I shook her shoulder and pointed at the big gap between the stairs case and Bruno's room, "Before you celebrate maybe we should find something to help us get across." , Mirabel then picked up a piece of rope that was sitting there and looked a nervous "I think we are going to have to swing across.".

Mirabel and I held on to the rope, "Three...,' she started counting "Two...," I started to feel even more nervous than the moment before, "ONE!!!" we ran full speed and jumped off the edge swinging from one side to another. I jumped off first then Mirabel who nearly fell off, we walked inside the cave looking at the walls that were full of prophecies or visions, a sudden creaking sound echoed through the cave, I looked over to see a vault-like door and Mirabel's voice echoing, I sighed knowing something was going to go wrong.

Nobody's POV

Mirabel and Adela looked at the room they were in, the walls were covered with carvings and in the middle of the room with a circular sand pit with something glowing green under the piles of sand. Mirabel quickly ran to the sand pit trying to find whatever was glowing in the sand, Adela examined the walls of the room, there were other dark hall ways that lead to who knows where? Starting to feel scared, Adela went back to Mirabel's side noticing she was holding two pieces of green glass together...there was a visible figure in the glass like a picture, Adela bent down getting a better view of the green glass, the figure was Mirabel...and behind her was the casita with a lot of cracks....the room they were in started to shake, sand was falling everywhere and starting to turn into piles filling the room. "Help me get all the pieces!" Mirabel yelled, panicking, Adela picked up as many green glasses as she could and placed them in Mirabel's bag. Rocks started to fall from the ceiling, one fell on Adela's right foot getting her stuck there, Adela tried to push the rock off but it was too heavy. "Mirabel!!"she yelled for her friend, Mirabel was trying to get the door to open but ran to Adela as soon as she heard her call for help.

Mirabel also tried lifting the rock up and pushing it but it just wouldn't budge, Mirabel looked around, mysteriously a stick was magically a few feet away from her .(Huh, wonder where that came from. Don't look at me!) Wasting no time, Mirabel placed the stick under the rock and used all her strength to life the rock up, fortunately, the rock lifted and Adela's legs was free, unfortunately, the door of the room was locked so they were trapped inside. Mirabel and Adela backed up against a wall, hoping not to get crushed by one of the falling rocks.

Adela's hand slightly touched something and the wall behind the two girls turned into a white glowing doorway which both of them fell through, they screamed, closed their eyes and waited to hit the hard floor or whatever is at the bottom.
Heh- another chapter for ya'll!!Sorry if I made any mistakes or some sort, but I had to change some things to fit with the story I had in mind. I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it!Thanks for reading it please vote and lastly- have a great day/evening/night!!!!!

Ofc I won't forget-HUGSSSSS (⊃ •́‿•̀。)⊃


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