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Adela's POV

Bruno held on to Mirabel while I freed my foot, "Heh-uh your hands are sweaty.."he said awkwardly, a small rat suddenly climbed on Bruno's arm scaring Mirabel, she let go of her tío's hand. And-she was gone ... or dead, eh.
"Welp. I better start practising the speech I wrote for her funeral ." I said leaning a little bit forward to see nothing but mist, "Your not even gonna cry if I die?! And why do you already have a speech ready?!" Mirabel complained while the mist cleared out, she was sitting on the floor with her arms crossed.
"Eh-I was bored okay? Besides, you never know when you'll suddenly drop dead."I said helping her get back up, I turned to face Bruno while Mirabel dusted her skirt before looking at her long lost tío.

Awkward silence took over,
"Bye."he said walking away, "H-hey wait up!"Mirabel yelled running after him.
Nobody's POV

"Knock knock knock knock knock- knock on wood!"Bruno said hitting the wood sticks that stick out and his head, he he stops still for a second closing his eyes and crossing his fingers then let out a sigh.
"You were never supposed to see that vision...no one was."he stated, with Adela and Mirabel walking behind him


"Have some salt."

Bruno said throwing  salt behind him, Adela ducked down while Mirabel got attacked by the salt.


Bruno threw the sugar at the girls, Adela tasted it while Mirabel spat out the salt and sugar in her mouth. They followed Bruno into larger corridor, Bruno mumbled something while avoided stepping on the patched cracks on the floor. (Tbh I thought of 'Step on a crack and you break your momma's back.. while writing this..) Adela and Mirabel's attention were turned to the wall full of patched cracks,
"Wait-have you been in here...?Patching the cracks...?" Mirabel asked trying not to stare at Bruno's weird mumbling and dancing.

"Oh that-? Nahnahnah-I'm too scared to go near those things,"he said glaring at the ruined wall "all the patching is done by Hernando."
"Whose Ernando-?"Adela asked not remembering anyone named Ernando when Camilo gave her a lesson about the Family tree, "IM ERNaNDO AnD IM SCARed oF NoThIng!,"Bruno said in a deeper voice with his hood on covering his eyes "Well-heh it's actually me-I'd say my real gift is 'acting'."He said again earning a stare from both of the girls, but this time he had a bucket on his head "I'm Jorge ,I make the spackle ." Adela wondered if that's how he kept himself sane or was he just always like that, "How long have you been back here...?"Mirabel asked smiling awkwardly.

The three of them walked into Bruno's...uhm 'hideout', rats were everywhere, on a hair brush, on the chairs, in his laundry or running around trying not to get stepped on.

"You never left..."Mirabel said look around with her hands behind her back, Adela picked up a rat and started petting it. "W-well I left my tower- which was y'know a lot of stairs heh-"Bruno said, "And here-heh kitchen adjecent!"he said picking up one of Julieta's food. "OH oh! Plus- free entertainment~" he picked up a few cards with holes in them and putting them on to the rats that were on the barrels, "S-so what do you like-like sports, game shows! Telenovelas?" he asked while Adela leaned against the chair Bruno sat on, actually kind of enjoying it too. "Their love could never be."Bruno said with Adela nodding her head, "Uhm...I don't understand..."Mirabel said, "Well Mirabel-she's his aunt but she's got amnesia and so- she can't remember that she's his aunt.It's forbidden love."Adela explained, Mirabel nudged her "What? It's a good show." .

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