'Encounter' chapter 4.

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Hiii~ I just thought I would chat a bit before the chapter with you,since I like to just shitchat a lot here x).
Soo..I have been the whole week sick at home and that's why I have had time to upload a new chapter everyday...(Except today I finally went outside and met friends:3)
I had birthday few days ago,yayy~ I'm 16 now x3 *quickly changing the age in the info box*
And I also watched the Tokyo ghoul's season 2 in whole the other day. It was soo amazing~! I started to ship Hide x Kaneki a lot more...But the ending..It's heart breaking..I don't even want to think about it or I'll cry again! ;-;-;-;-;-:

Buut yeaahhh...And about this story,I have searched about Teiko times and such,so there's a lot of similar things compared to the manga/anime,but I have also made some changes myself,for example I wrote that Akashi became captain on the 1st year,even though it's actually 2nd year...but well I really don't know Nijimura's personality and such..So I'll not write him to the story.
Well,this is fanfiction and I can write whatever I want to..soo yeaah.

Hope you'll like this chapter~!

The practice had gone to its end on the thursday evening as the members streched before going to the locker room.

After the others had gone,Kuroko took the ball from the cage. No one had noticed that he stayed at the gym,thanks to his invicible appearince. He had decided to stay practice a little bit longer.

He thought about the thing that the members talked about earlier at the practice.

"Hey,guys...I was wondering,does anyone know why Nijimura Shūzõ quitted being the captain?" "I have heard rumors that his father is badly ill...So he has said that if something happened to him,he would stop playing basketball to visit the latter. Plus he himself thinks that Akashi Seijurou would be a much better choice and deserves to be the captain" "Oh..I could have never thought he has this caring side too..." "Yeah"----end of the conversation----

Kuroko started to make some shots,and for his suprise few of them made the basket.

I wonder if all of the 1st string's players are so interesting...

That brought the boy from earlier to his mind. He was so amazed by his movements and the excitement that he could see on his face.

I have seen a lot of great basketball players,but he's not like them...He has a different scent,if you could say that. That's actually how the third string's members described Akashi Seijurou...

This guy has to be on the first string...

Soon he realized that he couldn't forget the mysterious boy. He had made his way to Kuroko's mind too deep to be forgotten.

In the meantime

"Yo,Satsuki" "Oh,Dai-Chan. That gym is full,since 2nd string has practice there at the same time. You have to go to the other one" "Okay,I'm going then" "Dai-Chan wait,you shouldn't go there!" "Huh? You just told me to go there" "It's haunted by a ghost! I heard some bouncing sound,but no one is there!" "Haah?! What are you talking about...There's no ghosts" The boy turned and started to head to the gym. "Dai-Chan,I warned you!"

As he was walking his way,he mumbled himself "If ghosts exist,I would play basketball against them"

"What's uppp~" He said as he entered to the gym. He looked around,but didn't see anyone. He just heard the bouncing sound.

"W-What is this...W-Was Satsuki right after all..?" He started to slowly step back as he shivered. Then the bouncing sound stopped.

He stopped breathing as he was so scared. Then he kneeled down and putted his hands on top of his head.

"I'm so so so sorry of all the saints I have done in my life! Just please don't kill me,I beg you!" He shouted.

It was silent. "Ano..." He heard a voice begind him. He slowly turned to look back. "Hello,I'm Kuroko Tetsuya"

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