'I admire you' chapter 6.

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I'm sorry for updating so late,but...No excuses this time. >.

Now playing:
Big Bang - Loser

"Well,let's share the same court someday Tetsu!" That sentence was echoing in my head all over again. I wasn't sure if I was so impressed because I finally got someone to hang out with ,his style of playing or because he seemed so nice.

I can't forbid it. It made me happy to hear that it was admirable how hard I try. It could have been just a compliment,but still.

I realized that I had a little bit more motivation to practice. Somehow that boy made me curious.


The dark blue haired boy was entering outside of Maji burger,but he had problems with the door as he had his hands full.

Luckily someone pushed the door and kept it open for Aomine. "Thanks-" He started before he looked at the person.

"Hello again,Aomine-Kun" The light blue haired boy said monotonosly as the other one startled and jumped of the door. Kuroko walked beside him. "Woah you...You don't happen to follow me..?" "No,I like this place's vanilla milkshakes" The latter said as he sipped of his milkshake.


"So you're in 3rd string,huh?" Aomine asked as he bit his hamburger. "Hai..." Kuroko answered uncertainly.

I didn't want to admit it. Specially not to him. Everytime I told someone I'm a 3rd string player,I felt pain in my heart. It reminded me that I suck at basketball.

Kuroko quickly changed the topic out of him "And you're in 1st string?" "Yeah,I was put in there immediately" Kuroko's eyes widened as he stared at the ground.

How is it possible? While I'm trying so hard to just get a ball into the basket,some other middleschooler is put into the 1st string immediately...

"I-Immediately you say..."

I couldn't forbid it. I felt somehow jealousy,anger,despair...and admiration. I knew it was stupid...but I just really wanted to be a human like that. Not like what I was myself.

"Yeah well...I know it sounds crazy and I can't understand it myself either...But I have played basketball since a kid so...I don't know,basketball is basically my life. Something that I love. No,love is not enough to describe it.

Kuroko had slowly turned it gaze to the boy. He stared at him suprised.

"Of course I have had my moments...I almost quitted on primaryschool,because my friends were so jealous of me being good at basketball in that young age...They started to reject me. So I had to be alone. And at that time what I was doing to make myself feel better..was playing basketball" He stared at somewhere far a away blankly.

Then he became aware of his acting and he changed back to his own and gave a little akward laugh. "Ah,sorry...You must be thinking I'm talking nonesense right now..." He scratched the back of his head embarrased of his sudden opening up.

But the smaller boy did a smile as he replied "No,not at all Aomine-Kun. Understand you. Well,kinda" He turned his gaze back down to the ground.

Aomine glanced at the boy. "Say,Tetsu...I don't know if I'm wrong,but...do you think you suck at basketball?"

Those words were like a knife straight to my heart. Like I was caught. I couldn't say a word. My throat was dry.

The smaller boy just stared at the ground,not being able to say anything. The taller one sighed as he continued "You know...I can see it in person's eyes if he's really enjoying basketball...And when I watch you play I can see you're trying your best and you love basketball from the bottom of your heart...But you're starting to give up on hope..right?"

It was like me thinking on my own these things...but someone telling them instead. What is this? It almost felt like he knew me better than me myself as he talked...

"You might not be that good at basketball,but...You don't suck. Honestly..Even though we have practiced only once together,I admire you already. You have something that not everyone see.

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