Chapter 9. I love you

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                  KAGAMI'S POV

I stepped to the classroom and sat to my place. I was the only one in the class. I kinda waited that Kuroko would scare me from behind like always,but this time nothing happened. I turned to his place. No one was sitting there.

Where to heck is he? I thought as students started to come to the class. He has never been late from school. Or even skipped once.

It was a lunch break. I took my food to the table and started to eat. Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate. It was Kuroko. I opened the picture and almost chocked to my bread. Aomine had took his phone and a picture of Kuroko sleeping and him smirking beside him. I sighed and smiled. What a baka couple. Well,as long as Kuroko is happy,I'm fine with that.

                     KUROKO'S POV

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the clock. Then I realized that it was already midday. I looked around and remembered that I was in Aomine's bed at his apartment. I was getting up from the bed,but suddenly I felt a tight grip on my arm and was pulled back to the bed. Aomine wrapped his arms around me. "Where do you think you're going,Tetsu?" He asked with a sleepy voice,probably just woke up too.

"Aomine-Kun,we're late from school" "Ah whatever,it will anyway end in couple hours" "But we shouldn't skip school" "I'm too lazy to get up" "When wouldn't you?" I said while trying to get of his hug,but his strong arms stopped me. "Tetsu,this time only,please. I finally got you here" He whispered to my ear making me blush. "Okay,well this will be the first and the last time" I sighed. I could just imagine how the male smirked.

When he finally let go,I sat up and took my phone. Kagami had texted something to me. "You two are so idiot couple,you know" Then I realized that there was a picture that was sent from my phone. I opened it and I felt my face heating up. That idiot took a pic of me sleeping! I glanced at Aomine. He had fallen asleep again. I sighed and layed beside Aomine. I felt a smile growing to my lips as I stared at his cute sleeping face. I leaned closer to him and gave a peck to his forehead. "I love you Aomine-Kun" I whispered as I wrapped arms around his large body. Suddenly I heard a mutter from blankets "I love you too,Tetsu"

So that was it! Hope you enjoyed this fanfiction. I have to admit that I thought a bit while writing this that should Kuroko start to date Kagami instead of Aomine,I mean let's face it,KagaKuro is the otp nowadays and AoKuro was the past,but well...this was Aokuro fanfiction after all,so I decided to bring them back together again.
But now that this fanfic has ended,I will focus on the new ones.

I'm going to start planning the christmas specials and stuff.
But when I have time,I will do next Kuroko x Reader.
I take requests,if you have something on your mind,please let me know! For example some ship fanfics. I have thought about doing AoKaga,(I just love it too much:3) or AoKise,which I don't really know,fangirl. I just think it's quite cute and stuff,so maybe in the future:3


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