Chapter 4

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I can't sleep.

His words just keep replaying in my head.

I should've known he was the player.

The girls sitting at his table should've been a dead give away.

But he seemed so nice when he asked me to show him where the history books were?

Clearly he isn't.

But his words weren't the only things invading my mind. It was him. All of him.

His soft dark black hair that was messily combed through, his shimmering gray eyes. His black jeans, the silver chain that dangled from his belt loops. The shinny silver rings that were scattered across his long tattooed fingers. The silver chain that hung around his neck, the way his black leather jacket looked while hugging his biceps. The tiny peek of black ink that revealed itself from the collar of his black t-shirt. His plush lips and the way they brushed up against my ear when he whispered in my ear. The way his hand felt caressing my hip.

All of him was invading my mind. I couldn't seem to lose the scent of his cologne, or the feeling of his minty breath on my neck.

So I didn't sleep at all.

I stared out the window in my room, the window seat perfect for times like these.

The cushioned bench filled the space between the window, allowing me to sit and stare out the white trimmed window at the neighborhood below. The stars shown brightly in the sky, the moon casting long shadows down into my silent neighborhood. Everything was asleep, including the sun. So why can't I fall asleep?

Because of Kingston.

Shut the hell up voice in my head. I hate him.

Maybe but he was hot.


C'mon you can't deny it.

Fine. Okay, he was hot.

What about his voice? How low and deep it was.

I squeezed my eyes shut. Fuck you!

That's my job.

I groaned into my knees. That stupid voice in my head never gives me a break. But it's been reminding me of Kingston all night so I can just blame it on the voice. It's not my fault.

But as much as I hated to admit it, his words did hurt a little bit. Have I heard them before? Yeah. But they're never nice to hear. I mean, I caught him staring at me while I was reading. That had to have meant something? Right?

As I was reading my book, I felt this burning stare. It seemed as though whoever was looking at me was burning a hole in the side of my head. It was intense.

Should I look?





I looked up and was met with these breathtakingly beautiful gray orbs. They were staring right at me. My breath hitched in my throat as we kept eye contact. I felt heat rush to my cheeks, watching as his body shook some, like he was chuckling. I heard a little of the low laugh and it made my heart beat quicken.

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