Chapter 29

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My boyfriend is so cute.

   I love saying that.

  He fell asleep while I was giving him a massage. How cute is he?

   God I love him.

   Somehow in his sleep, he wrapped his arms around me and his head is now laying on my stomach, his arms tight around me.

   Mrs. Grey came in and checked on us anyways and saw Kingston clinging to my body and pretty much burst into tears, running over to me and kissing my head happily.

   She told me that her and the boys went out that night for dinner and that she was sorry for me because I had to deal with a cranky Kingston tomorrow.

   I just laughed and told her he probably won't be grumpy. She smiled, kissed my head, and then left his room.

   And now I'm here, playing with Kingston's hair, which is super soft because of the conditioner I made him put in it, while he holds me close to himself, a cute little sleepy smile on his face.

Man we really tore his back up.


   But I couldn't help it.

   He shuffles, his arms tightening around my waist as he snuggles his head farther into the sweatshirt I stole from him.

   My boyfriend.

   I stole my boyfriends clothes.

   The smile that creeps onto my face makes my cheeks heat up. Man I've gone soft for him.

   "I love you," I murmur, leaning down and kissing his forehead gently. He lets out a sleepy sigh, his face relaxed as he sleeps peacefully in my arms. His grip on me tightens, his ears turning a pink-ish color "Amara," he murmurs in his sleep, shifting his large frame holding me down onto the mattress.

   My smile brightens as I tug the comforter farther up his back, reaching his neck as my fingers comb through his soft black hair gently.

   The moonlight pours in through the French doors, shining down onto Kingston's sleeping face. He asked me to be his girlfriend. I can't believe it.

   My eyes start to feel heavy as I sink back into the bed, my body starting to sink into the cushiony mattress.

   Kingston shifts again, his legs slipping over mine as he nuzzles his face into my stomach again, "Amara," he whispers again, a smile on his sleepy relaxed face.

   I close my eyes, his words running through my mind over and over again, he said he loves me, wants to always touch me, shower me with love.

   How am I going to be able to show my love for him? I don't know what type of gifts he would want. What if he wouldn't like what I picked out? That'd be the hardest thing, buying him something and he doesn't like it.

   We can worry about that another time.

   My thoughts slowly die down, and I kiss Kingston's forehead again before letting my head fall back onto the soft pillows again.

   With one last sigh, I close my eyes and let myself drift off. Holding Kingston tight to me as I feel myself slowly drift off.

   Darkness consumes my thoughts, my body feeling heavy as I sink into the warmth and welcomeness of Kingston's bed and presence.

   And just like that, I'm out cold.


   A loud alarm blares through the room, echoing off the walls. A groan leaves me, my eyes slowly opening to be met with the rising sun peeking in through the windows and French doors.

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