Chapter 14

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I sit there and watch as she walks into her house. The door closes and I grip the steering wheel tightly in my hands. The moon doesn't seem so bright, the stars not as beautiful. The rap music slowly fading into the background as I stared at the door of Amara's house.

"Fuck!" I yelled to myself.

I just yelled at Amara. And I made her cry.

"Fuck!" I yelled again, throwing my head back on the headrest.

   I fucked up bad.

The way she flinched back when I yelled at her, the way her shinning emerald eyes glossed over with tears after I yelled at her. Fuck. Fuck!

I didn't mean to make her cry. I never want to see a teardrop roll down her rosy cheeks.

I just got upset. Why does she not want me to meet her parents? Why did she look so scared when I went to get out to walk her to the door?

Somethings wrong.

My mom!

She told my mom something in French. At least I think it was French. Maybe she'll tell me.

I quickly shift into drive, pulling off the curb and hitting the gas, speeding away through the neighborhood. My headlights glared at the run down houses as I easily go over the speed limit by 20 mph.


   I come screeching into the driveway, pulling up into the driveway, unbuckling quickly. I threw the door open and jumped out tossing the keys to a butler and throwing open the door to the house. Sprinting into the house, I nearly crash into a maid. I scowled at her and she ran away, getting back to her work.

   Whatever she does.

   I quickly ran up the grand staircase, taking a sharp right and running down the hallway. I passed pictures in a blur, seeing someone cleaning the vases on the round dark wood tables. The carpet helps me cover ground faster with my slides still on.

   I blow by someone who yelped and jumped out of the way as I came by, heading for Mason's room.

Planting my hands on Mason's door, I push it in and barrel inside the dark room, causing him to look up from his gaming set with a confused look, his headset still on his head. Oops. "What the fuck man?" He asked me, looking back at his game. He clicks a few buttons on his controller.

   "Where's mom!?" I ask him, urgency clear in my voice. He pauses his game with a quick click and stands up. He gives me a curious look as he walks over to me.

   "What'd you do?" He asks me, the pierced eyebrow of his raised. I reach out and grab his shoulders which are covered in a dark blue sweatshirt, shaking him back and forth viciously "Don't mind that! Where's mom!?" I basically yell at him. He blinks at me surprised.

   He grabs my wrists tightly and pries them off his shoulders with a confused covered face "Calm down man! What the fuck happened!?"

   I sigh, all the words of what just happened on the tip of my tongue. I open my mouth and it all starts to spill out "I took Amara home and when I went to walk her to her door she freaked out and told me I couldn't and then I started to get upset thinking that she didn't want me to meet her parents and that she doesn't want to be seen with me and then she tried to explain but then I lost it and yelled at her and she got out of my car crying—" I hurried out, spitting out one thing after another as I started pacing back and forth in Mason's dark blue room.

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