Chapter 47

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   It's such a peaceful morning, the sun just peaking through the window and my naked fiancée sleeping right next to me in bed. Her beautiful brown hair messy and spread out along the blankets of our bed, her long eyelashes brushing the skin below her eye, her pink plush lips pulled up in a content tired smile.

   My heart beats excitedly in my chest, carefully moving over and checking my phone to confirm that this day is finally here.

   A grin overtakes my face, and I drop my phone, spinning around and placing a kiss to her nose. She groans softly, her eyelids fluttering—

   "Wake up bro! You're getting hitched today!" My brothers and best friends bust the door open, barging in.

   My eyes snap wide as I fist the blanket and yank it over Amara's naked body. Liam slaps his hand over his eyes, Drake spins around and Dawson closes his eyes. Mason just laughs and Mark sighs with the roll of his eyes "Told you this was a bad idea." 

   Amara quickly wraps the blanket around her, rubbing her eyes and then glaring at my family "Assholes! You woke me up! Dovrei spararti per avermi svegliato, ma sei fortunato che sia il giorno del mio matrimonio!" She randomly switches to Italian and Dawson pursed his lips, turning away muttering his sorry.
(I oughta shoot you for waking me but you're lucky it's my wedding day!)

   "You didn't tell us she was naked!" Liam exclaims, still holding his hand over his eyes.

   "You didn't tell me you were going to bust into my room!" I snap back, glaring daggers at them. Mason shrugs his shoulders, looking over at Amara "Nice tits princess,"

   A growl leaves me as I throw the covers off and launch myself at Mason. We both fall to the floor with a thud as I slam my hand over his throat, growling at him, anger flaring through me. "Don't you even dare say that to my fiancée!"

   He gasps against my hold on his throat, a smirk quickly spreading across his face. Slowly that smirk starts to fall. My hand tightens, smirking as his face slowly starts to turn red.

   "Kingston!" Amara scolds and immediately I stop everything I was doing and stand up, turning to look at her.

   She had an eyebrow raised at me, her hair falling over her bare shoulders. Thankfully my jaw dropping fiancée is covered by the blanket.

   I look back at them and grab Mason up by his shirt and shove them out the door one by one "Out! We'll be down in a little." They all leave and once the last foot is out our bedroom door I slam it shut behind them. Another growl vibrating through my chest.

   Amara throws the blanket off, revealing her mouth watering skin to me. I hum, walking over to her and climbing onto the bed over top of her, planting my lips on hers.

   Our lips leave with a small pop, "That was hot babe, but don't kill your brother," she whispers, her hazy emerald eyes flicking up to my eyes then back down at my lips.

   "He saw what's mine." I grit, my jaw clenched. She smiles softly and pulls me in for another kiss. Which I quickly return, my anger fizzling out at the soft caressing touch.

   Once she pulls back again her forehead touches mine, our eyes locking.

   "It's our wedding day."

   My heart quickens it's pace as I wrap my arms around Amara's naked body and hoist her up onto my shoulder. She squeals as I stand up from the bed, her soft stomach against my shoulder, her ass right by my face as I walk us into the shower. Her warm breath fans the skin of my back, the muscles tensing at her little kiss she places there before I flick the lights on and set her down on the tile floor.

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