Chapter 21

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   I wake up to my phone buzzing on Kingston's bedside table. I gently shift as I reach my left arm out for the phone, checking the caller.


   I hit the accept button, still laying on Kingston's chest and putting the phone to my ear "Hey girly!" Her sing-songy voice calls through the phone. I groan, rubbing a hand down my face as Kingston's hands on my back twitch slightly "What time even is it?" I whisper into the phone, trying not to wake Kingston.

   "Umm, like 6:35 why?" She tells me, I groan again. She sighs into the phone, probably rolling her eyes at me "It's early for a Saturday, why...why are you calling so early?" I ask her in a hushed tone. I flick my eyes to Kingston's face to see him still asleep.


   She giggles into the phone "I thought we could do a little girls day! Like, meet me around 9 ish at the coffee place down town? Then we can get ready together!" She suggests. I rub my eyes and yawn, setting my chin on Kingston's chest "Uhm, sure. I didn't know you were going?" My voice sounds a little uncertain as it comes out in a question.

   I can see her nodding from the phone "Yeah! My friends knows the person throwing it. So I'm going too!" She squeals excitedly and I yank the phone away from my ear. I think I just went deaf.

   Kingston groans as his eyes flutter open "What the fuck?" He grumbles, seeing me holding the phone away from my ear.

   I wince, placing my hand over to the phone so Emma couldn't hear me "I'm sorry—I didn't mean to wake you, but a girl I met yesterday called and I was too comfy to get out of bed but I tried to be quiet then she squealed and it's really loud—" he shakes his head gently, his fingertips trailing along my back gently "It's okay amor," I quickly stop my ramble and put the phone back to my ear "So, coffee at 9, then?" I ask into the phone, looking at Kingston.

   "I thought we could chill at my place! We can get to know each other better, then we can get ready together and go together!" She squeaks excitedly.

   I sigh, rubbing my forehead "Sounds great. But Kingston is probably going to pick me up to take me to the party, if you don't mind." I state, looking over at Kingston as he grunts.

   She gasps on the other side of the phone "Oh my god! He's the guy you were trying to impress right!?" She yells through the phone.

   I freeze as I hear Kingston chuckle, hearing Emma yell through the phone "Oh? Trying to impress me now are you amor?" His voice cracks with the roughness of the morning.

   "Shhh!" I shush her and she gasps again "Fucking god you're with him now aren't you!!!" I sigh, giving up on trying to keep her quiet. I yawn tiredly "Okay. Okay. I'll meet you at the coffee shop, but for now I'm going back to sleep, bye Em." I tell her, hoping she takes the hint to hang up.

   "Okay! Bye Ara! See ya at 9!" She stated loudly before the line goes dead. I groan as I slam my phone down on the bedside table and roll off Kingston's chest.

   He chuckles in my ear as his arm enclose me into his warm bare chest. I yawn again, tucking my face away into his chest, he gently sighs "You're so cold." he murmurs as he yanks the covers up to my chin.

   I nod as I shimmy my body closer to his, tucking my feet between his thighs for them to warm. Yes, I have socks but I get so cold so easily. I'm shivering from head to toe.

   I pull the sleeves of Kingston's sweatshirt that I have on over my cold hands and stick them between our chests, nuzzling my face into his warm skin.

   The back of Kingston's hand lands on my forehead gently, feeling around. I look up at him to see his brows furrowed "You're warm." He states, his worried eyes flicking down to me.

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