Chapter 27

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   I said it.

   The three words.

   I love you.

   I told Kingston I love him. And I'm so glad I did. The affirmation of my love for him, knowing that he feels the same way towards me.

   I didn't expect those words to turn me on after he said them but it did. I wanted him to take me to the ground and fuck me, rough and hard.

   When we sat down Kingston couldn't stop looking at me. But it wasn't weird, it was a loving gaze. Every move I made he watched. The softness in his eyes and the warm smile that pulled at his lips every time I smiled at him or pulled the suit jacket farther over my shoulders.

   Admiring my every move, every word.

   The doors clicked once more and Daris walked in with a tray of steaming hot food. My mouth watered at the sight as he smiled over at me.

   I quickly looked away from him and towards Kingston. If looks could kill, Daris would be 12 feet underground by now.

   Kingston's sharp jaw clenched tightly, his eyes set in a hard stare. His large hands clenched tightly into fists.

   He knows I love him but he's still pissed that Daris is looking at me.

   Let's tease Kingston.

   Good idea.

   As Daris walks closer to us the tip of my heel meets his ankle. Kingston's eyes flicker away from Daris as I slowly trail my heel higher up his right leg, his dress pants wrinkling as I drag my heel higher.

   I look at Kingston and bat my lashes at him innocently, though a wicked smirk pulls at the corners of my lips.

   His eyes widen slightly as his chest rises with a heavy breath. My heel passes his knee and I lean forward ever so slightly as my heel starts trailing up his thigh.

   Daris smiles and sets the plates down in front of us and Kingston un-fists his hand, reaching out and gripping the table tightly as my heel meets the ridge of his growing hard-on.

His eyes grow wide, as his knuckles turn white on the table, his eyes flicking up to me as I rub his growing dick with my heel.

The plates clink against the table as Kingston clenches his jaw tightly, closing his eyes to hold his composure as Daris sets his steak down in front of him.

Daris claps his hands together and Kingston's eyes shoot open as my heel traces his dick in a stroking motion through the fabric. "Is that all for now?" Daris asks, looking over at me with a smile. I give him a polite smile and nod "Yes, that's all."

  He looks over at Kingston for confirmation but Kingston is staring at me with a clenched jaw and dark eyes.

One of Kingston's hands wrap around my ankle, forcing me to stop as he looks over at Daris with a tense look "Yes." He stated and Daris nods.

He turns and the wind blows at his retreat before he closes the doors behind him and Kingston groans out "Fuck, amor."

His hand retreats from my ankle and I go back to stroking him through his pants. His hand shoots down to my ankle again, holding it in place. I puff out my bottom lip in protest.

"Don't. I'm already painfully hard in my pants because of you little brat." He snaps at me but it only makes me want to tease him more.

   He narrows his eyes at me, the glare a sharp warning of what is to come tonight because of my behavior.

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