Chapter 1

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Beacon Hills High School, Beacon Hills, Teen Wolf Universe
Scott's POV

Funny. Funny how when Allison was dying, she wasn't in pain, but I was in a lot of excruciating pain while Theo walked away with an empty victory and a hand bathed in my blood.

Maybe I was hurting because a girl I loved wasn't holding me while I died, maybe I was hurting because I entered the supernatural world with pain, courtesy of Peter's fangs, or maybe I was hurting because I wanted to feel the pain so that I wouldn't feel guilty for welcoming death and embracing it like an old friend because I was tired, so, so tired.

I was tired of fighting, I was tired of being dependent on, I was tired of being the leader, and I was tired of keeping it together for everyone.

I knew that if I wanted to, I could hold on to the pain and use it as an anchor to keep me awake to give the supermoon that bathed my wounded body in its light time to heal me, or at least keep me alive until Mason somehow found a way to stop the bleeding and take me to my mom, but I was tired of living, most of all.

That's why when my lungs stopped burning due to the wolfsbane I inhaled, and I felt the familiar cool tingle all over my body, and numbness creeped and closed in with the promise of a peaceful sleep, I shifted my wolf eyes to their human form, shutting down the True Alpha spark that threatened to keep me alive, and welcomed my old friend Death who I escaped once before.

Or was it twice?

I didn't know because I didn't see my life flash before my eyes, I didn't care to verify, either.

Since I couldn't be a nobody, I would be a dead body with only one regret, that I was leaving my mom all alone in a dangerous world. But I was sure that once Derek heard of my death, he would return and protect her and Beacon Hills like his mother before me.

The thought comforted me and sent me to my sleep from which I would not wake from again and I welcomed it with an open soul.
Wasteland, Lhazar, Game of Thrones Universe
Daenerys' POV

Isn't it ironic how my attempt at saving Drogo's life ended with me suffocating and killing him with a pillow and childless?

Well, I didn't think it was ironic because it was my husband that I killed and my son that I sacrificed, and I couldn't live with the guilt and without them.

Lost and without a purpose other than leading what was left of Drogo's people, and now my people, my khalasar, I didn't hesitate when I felt a pull to the burning pyre with Mirri Maz Duur screaming as she burned alive.

Something told me to walk into the fire since the pyre was being set, and I was listening to that something, it was too compelling a feeling to ignore.

When I walked through the first ring of fire of Drogo's funeral pyre and Mirri's punishment, the warmth of the flames welcomed me but didn't burn my skin or my hair, just my dress.

I took that as confirmation that I was the Dragon's daughter, a real Targaryen, unlike my foolish and late brother Viserys and the woman who took everything from me and was paying for it with her life.

I pressed forward and crossed the second ring of fire, still unharmed by the fire, and continued until I reached the center, where Drogo's body was burning, and sat down cross-legged.

Why? I knew not. But I took one of the dragon eggs before I sat down, perhaps to keep me company.

The fire burned and burned everything, from the wood to Mizzi and most of all, Drogo's body, and I just sat there, reminiscing about our time together and thinking about what could have been.

I got so lost in my mind that I didn't notice when the support of the pyre bed burned down. Being such a large structure, one would think that I noticed, but I didn't.

I did, however, notice when the egg in my hands cracked. How could I not when it cracked under my finger?

With the fire still raging around me, I watched in shock and awe as something cracked the egg from the inside before a lizard-like head with amber eyes, at least I thought they were amber as I couldn't tell the color with the center of the fire, and a crown of bone-like protrusions at the top of its head, made an appearance.

Too stunned to do anything but watch, I watched as the creature broke more of the eggshell around its neck before it freed itself with its wings once it created enough space to do so, shattering the egg into nothing and I found myself holding the creature that came out of the dragon egg.

The dragon egg...

As the thought crossed my mind, I realized what the creature was, a dragon. A real dragon.

I couldn't believe it, I... I suddenly felt something with pointy thingies, maybe feet with talons, land on my shoulder and turned my head to find another cre-no, another dragon.

Just as I was still processing that, I felt something else land on my thigh and turned my heard once again to find a dragon.

A smile slowly graced my face as I realized that the three dragon eggs hatched.

Tears built up in my tear ducts and escaped but were vaporized before they reached my cheeks as I recalled that chicks viewed the first chicken they saw as their mother, the reason chickens didn't leave their eggs for long, and I was the first thing the dragons saw.

I hoped the same could be said about dragons because my son was dead and Mirri made me infertile, she robbed me the ability to have children, and though it wasn't like I wanted to have children with anyone other than Drogo, the loss was still heavy.

Being that the dragons came to me, I took that as a sign that they saw me as their mother and I adopted them as my children.

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