Chapter 2

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Jorah's POV

With the pyre burning with no sign of burning out any time soon, and Khaleesi not making an appearance or showing any sign of her status, what was left of Khal Drogo's khalasar, now Khaleesi Daenerys Targaryen's khalasar, and I was stood vigil a good distance from the heat.

But somewhere in the night, we fell asleep only to wake up in the morning just as the Sun was about to rise.

Standing up with body aches that I tried to stretch out, my eyes went towards the remains of the pyre that was no longer burning but was covered in thick smoke.

The thick smoke worried me because although I never heard Khaleesi scream, if she was alive, somehow, the smoke would certainly kill her if it hadn't already, hence I shook off all traces of sleep and hurried towards the pyre remains.

Rakharo appeared to be of the same mind, and since he was younger and more agile, faster, he reached the thick smoke before I did but once I caught up with him and a stronger gust of wind dispersed more of the smoke, I found him standing a few feet from the center.

I feared the worst at his sudden halt, more so when he suddenly fell to his knees and then bowed low.

Though I didn't want to see what he saw, I had to verify with my own two eyes, and so I looked.

Gods, what my eyes laid on brought me to my knees as well, for multiple reasons.

The first and most important reason was that Khaleesi was alive and unharmed, despite being covered in soot, sitting cross-legged.

The second was that there were three creatures with wings, one in her hands and two curled on her shoulders, that matched some descriptions of dragons.

The third, the third was that she was naked. Covered in soot, yes, but completely naked with just the black dragon with red markings in her hands covering her lower region.

Oh, how I longed for such a sight. It was a dream come true, seeing the young and beautiful Targaryen girl naked before my eyes, but I was only an old man she probably didn't see as a potential lover, let alone the man who could replace her late husband Khal Drogo, especially so soon after his death and her son's death.

So, I hid my secret desires and followed Rakharo's example and so did Khaleesi's khalasar as the smoke cleared and revealed her alive with three dragons.

I stole a look as she stood with pride clear on her beautiful face and looked at her kneeling followers, no doubt their decision to stay made permanent with her feat of not being burned by the fire and hatching not one, not two, but three dragons.

If she wasn't already an impossible dream before, she was certainly one now and all I could offer her was my services and loyalty.

"*Blood of my blood," Rakharo said in Dothraki declaring his undying loyalty to Khaleesi still bowed.

I quickly lowered my eyes because I was next to him and his declaration would surely attract Khaleesi's attention.

"Blood of my blood," I declared my undying loyalty as well.

"*Blood of my blood!" The khalasar followed suit.
Daenerys' POV

For the first time since Drogo became ill, and I sacrificed my unborn son for nothing and killed my husband, I felt alive as my khalasar declared their loyalty to me with more than staying, with their words, and my children acknowledged them with their first words.

OK, they were not words, they were hisses, the little dragon were hissing while flexing their wings.

"*Stand up," I instructed in Dothraki. "I..."

A noise suddenly came from behind me, from the rubble of thoroughly burned wood just a foot away.

I turned and saw the rubble moving, some wood remains breaking and turning into ash.

The dragon in my hands hissed in a way that seemed like a warning combined with the talons digging into my palms, and so I moved away from the rubble.

Having forgotten my state of dress, or lack of, I was confused when I was offered two pieces of cloths by Doreah and Irri until Doreah generously pointed out the obvious to me although without words.

Embarrassed, I allowed them to dress me since I didn't want to disturb my sleeping children on my shoulders.

Just as they finished, a large black dog of some kind with fiery eyes rose from the rubble before it looked around and then turned in our direction.

We all took several steps back while wondering where the dog came from with the best fighters of the khalasar I had left coming between me and the dog.

Suddenly, the dog started groaning and whimpering before something strange happened, it started transforming from a dog to... To a human, and not just any human, Drogo, my Sun and Stars, before it... I meant he...

Was he my Drogo or was it Mirri Maz Duur's doing? I didn't know. All I knew was that a dog just transformed into Drogo, a dog that came from Drogo's funeral pyre I set aflame.

"What kind of sorcery is this?" Ser Jorah asked bewildered while some gasped in surprise and shock and fear and others prepared their weapons.

While Dro... Er, the dog that turned into Drogo seemed just as confused as we were, Ser Jorah attracted its/his attention and it/he looked at Ser Jorah for a moment before his eyes found mine.

I said 'his' because for a moment, through the confusion in his eyes, it felt like it really was Drogo.

The way he looked at me, the way his eyes softened just a little for a moment before he passed out, it was all Drogo, and I moved to check on him but Ser Jorah stopped me.

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