Chapter 14

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Unsullied Barracks, Astapor

After Missandei goes to her new quarters with two kanimas, Weapon and Vengeance, as her guards at the middle of the afternoon, I send Chameleon and several kanimas out into the city to verify what she and our four prisoners shared with us. Everything feels like it's happening too fast, but we can't wait. If Kraznys didn't come to the Barracks today, we may have had time to wait and train and prepare more, but we don't have the time.

This is why I call the rest of the Unsullied, including the ones who were in training, to a meeting to declare them officially free with the ownership whip and tell them that the whips hold no meaning over us anymore. Something weird happens, they all bow to me and call me the Champion of Battle, the Father of Hosts and Alpha, the new great god of the Unsullied blessed by our—I mean the Unsullied's—goddess the Lady of Spears. I look at Mossador, weirded out, and find him, First Kanima and Chameleon doing the same.

They pray to me like we—they—pray to the Lady of Spears and hold out their arms for my 'divine' blessing. I feel my bond with the newly named super-Unsullied strengthen, especially with the werewolves and the kanimas. I feel powerful and on top of the world, and my Alpha red eyes show themselves in my drunken with power and praise state. I feel like I did when I played lacrosse back in my world and the crowd was cheering me on, but many times better.

I close my eyes and soak in the feeling and the praises. The thought of stopping them never crosses my mind because it feels too good being so over the Moon, until I feel a little funny and open my eyes to find myself shrinking. No, not shrinking, changing form. Something clicks in my mind and I know that I'm transforming into a wolf, an actual wolf. My excitement comes back while the Unsullied tap their spears on the ground rhythmically.

I suddenly hear the sound that woke me up in this world: an ancient-sounding chant. It speaks to me. I don't understand what it says, but it speaks to me, and then I get a vision of myself running as a wolf in snowy woods and I see a huge stone wall, and beyond it I see giants, real giants, and tree people and ordinary people, before I see a raven with three eyes, and then an ice-like man, creature. I'm not the first supernatural creature in this world, but I'm going to make sure that I'm the most powerful, I promise myself.

With the promise, the vision and the chanting ends, and I look at the kneeling Unsullied and grant them their wish for my 'divine' power in my wolf form. Instinct drives me to those I should Bite and away from those I shouldn't, and I listen to it. I Bite and Bite and Bite, but I stop when my instincts lead me to the younger Unsullied who haven't completed their training yet and return to the front, where I have the strong urge to howl loud and proud, but I don't.

I shape-shift into my human form instead, and for some reason, everyone looks at me with shocked expressions, stopping the spear taps. Considering they're Unsullied, this is saying something. It gets even more interesting when I notice their eyes focus where my penis should be, to my embarrassment, until I feel a familiar twitch and look down. I blink and clear my eyes and look again, and find my original penis and scrotum where they're supposed to be, accompanied by my original pubic hair and legs, and abdomen and chest.

I look at my arm, and find that it looks like mine, not Grey's. I touch my face, my nose, in particular, and find that it feels like mine. I command First Kanima to share his memories of my transformation with me, and he does so without us touching palms, to my shock. Even more of a shock, I see myself through his eyes and find that I'm in my original body, the body my mother and father created, not Grey's. I look like myself, and I feel like myself too. I wonder what happened, but Chameleon interrupts my wonder.

"Alpha?" He asks, uncertain.

"I told you to call me Boyd," I remind him, in my own voice, which sounds like music to my ears, and he quickly bows like the others. "Get up, we have a city to free. Did everything check out?"

"Most of it, Alpha," he replies.

"Why do you insist on calling me Alpha?" Like seriously.

"Your name is sacred, Alpha," he says, and I remember that they think the Lady of Spears blessed me with divine power and made me a god.

Considering this belief ended with our bonds stronger and me getting my original body back…

"Alright," I decide to let them keep thinking that, and look at everyone. "Unsullied, the Sun is going to set soon, prepare to free Astapor!"

Everyone gets over their shock disturbingly fast and vacate to prepare while I go to my quarters with Chameleon, Mossador and First Kanima.
Missandei's Quarters

It's been hours since the loud sound of the Unsullied tapping their spears all at once stopped, and since then, there has been movement outside. I wish I could see them and more of the inner Barracks, but I dare not make my wish known. I'm curious, not foolish. And I've already seen more than any man and woman can claim. I just wish I could be doing something, like reading or learning something new.

The room I was given is lacking in many things compared to Boyd's, but I'm not going to complain. Unlike in his quarters, the guards aren't inside, they're both outside and… A knock at the door attracts my attention. I hurry to open it, daring not to ask who it is. A sight unlike any other greets me when I open the door. The sight is a handsome, strong and tall Summer Islander Unsullied perhaps a year or two younger than me.

I dare look in his eyes for a moment and see dark brown eyes that match his smooth and dark brown skin. He smiles a small and charming smile that makes my heart beat loud and fast in my ears. I blush and quickly cast my eyes down.

"I like my new old look too," he says with his smile in his voice, very much unlike an Unsullied. "Just so you understand what I mean, I'm Boyd, the same Boyd you met before. I just look different."

He likes his new old look? He's Boyd? The same Boyd I met before? He just looks different? Is he a Faceless Man? One of those assassins that worship the Many-Faced God, also known as the God of Death? This would explain how he managed to take over the Barracks and the Unsullied so easily.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he says, his smile disappearing as he sees my fear. "I promise. I just came to tell you that your dinner is coming and we're about to leave. Thanks for your help. We'll talk about your payment for being my translator when we see each other again. The Barracks are protected and so are you. Don't worry about Mossador, he'll be alright. If you need anything, just call Weapon. See you around."

That said, he leaves. I see Mossador and First Kanima flank him with eight others. I also notice that there are more guards outside, some patrolling and others standing near my quarters. I know that this is more than about my protection, it's a practical precaution. It doesn't take long before my dinner is brought as Boyd promised, but I'm too nervous to eat, though I force myself to because I'm sure that I'll be up all night.

I pray to the Lord of Harmony to protect Mossador, Boyd and the Unsullied and see their plans succeed, before I force myself to eat.

Ten by ten, we leave the Barracks quietly and spread all over the city, taking our positions, each officer hiding a command whip. By the end of about two hours, I know that the city gates and watch towers, the port and Worm River are under our complete control, with my Unsullied officers taking command of the city's Unsullied guards. As the streets start to get empty, we move on the Good Masters and the wealthy's pyramids and quietly take command of their Unsullied guards while others secure civilian homes and businesses that thrive at night.

We all attack in the middle of the night while the city sleeps and close the city gates, the port and Worm River, and secure them with more Unsullied, super-Unsullied, including the watch towers and the walls. My decade, my ten person team with me being the eleventh, pays the oldest Good Master Grazdan mo Ullhor a personal visit. We find him asleep in his huge bed with a very young bed slave after we secure his family pyramid. First Kanima quietly paralyzes the young woman, who startles awake.

Hero, one of my decade, takes her out of the bedroom before Mossador wakes Grazdan for me.

"Who dares wake me?!" The sleepy but furious old man demands to know, rubbing his eyes, and freezes when he sees nine supernaturally glowing eyes staring at him. "What's this?"

"This is a coup d'etat," I inform him without emotion in my voice. "And you and your fellow 'Good' Masters and human traffickers are going to help make the transition smooth. We're going to show you why you're going to do exactly what we say. Spear, bring in his eldest son."

"Guards!" Grazdan calls out, quickly getting off his bed while Chameleon lights the candles, reaching for his ownership whip, but doesn't find it, to his terror.

"They're all under my control now, old man," I enjoy that terror when Spear enters dragging his paralyzed eldest son. "He was going to succeed you as a 'Good' Master, wasn't he?"

"Leave my son ou…!"

I slap said son across the face, hard, while First Kanima gets in Grazdan's way, and remind him, "You didn't leave other parents' sons alone! Or their daughters! Come any closer, and I promise you, I'll not hit him. I'll kill him and get your favorite grandson."

A grandson who's already dead, like the rest of his family, but the threat works.

"Sit down," I instruct, and he reluctantly sits on his bed, angry. "On the floor. I have a few questions for you and you're going to answer them all or you're going to watch us cut off your son's body parts, starting with his balls."

If looks could kill, I would already be dead, but Grazdan knows the Unsullied don't make empty threats. He sits on the floor and Mossador gives me papers, ink and a feather, and we begin with more advanced questions than the ones I asked Kraznys and his human trafficking friends because I've had practice and now know what to ask, and we're not after just information now, we're also after everything all these human traffickers own.
Zhen, A Red Grace:

There are many religions and gods in the world, most of them frown upon sex, particularly outside marriage. My religion is not one of them, and neither are my gods. We Ghiscari priestesses called Red Graces celebrate the holy gift that is sex and offer it to any man with coin in the names of our gods every single night and help provide for the temples we built for them in Ghiscari cities with the approval and blessings of our calibrate city high priestesses called Green Graces.

When the Good Masters light their silk lanterns on every terrace at Sunset so that their pyramids glow with beautiful colored lights, some of us Red Graces ritually leave the Temple of the Graces and go to a section of Worm River reserved for us where soft music is played, food is eaten, wine is drank and we provide sex service for coin all night long. Unsullied guards bought by the Temple of the Graces ensure our safety and that coin is given before food, wine and most of all pleasure.

Many things happen at the river, but never, ever, have our Unsullied guards held us captive and interrogated us, let alone kill the Red Grace that holds the ownership whip along with every single one of our clients associated with slave trading after making them write, sign and seal documents that give the 'Unsullied Pack' everything they confessed to owning during interrogation upon their deaths like inheritance.

They tell us business can continue as usual after taking away the bodies. The most experienced Red Grace acts quickly, she thanks the guards and assures our remaining clients that everything is alright now. The men don't seem convinced and want to leave, but she commands the music to be played and food and wine to be served again and for us to show the men that we're not afraid of a little blood being spilled.

We all know that is a challenge against their manhood and we the Red Graces show them that we're indeed not afraid of blood being spilled right in front of us. This isn't the first time blood has been spilled and lives taken in our presence, and we have never cut a night short before, even when it rains, there's always the Temple of the Graces. We pour red wine and drink it and ask the men if we could take away their worries seductively. Some of us kiss and fondle each other, and others kneel before the men, showing our breasts.

Men are simple creatures that are controlled by lust and pride, they stay and we help each other take away our worries. The worries return later when we're escorted back to the Temple of the Graces and we see the Unsullied everywhere, some with strange colored and shaped glowing eyes. This explains why we didn't get more clients tonight. We see bodies being taken out of the Temple by Unsullied when we arrive and join our sisters, who know as little as we do about what is happening.

They tell us that the same thing that happened at the river happened at the Temple. Every Grace with an ownership whip was killed by the Unsullied, who seemed to have doubled in number, including the Green Grace, as well as clients who came for the Red Graces' services and were associated with slave trading. When we tell them about the Unsullied everywhere in the city, the Green Grace-in-waiting suspects a change in power aided by stolen ownership whips and Unsullied.

She's young, like me, but she's very smart and rarely wrong, so I believe her, and so do many of us. She wants us to prepare gifts in case she's right, and so we do while the Unsullied let us be.

The Unsullied are a regular sight in Astapor, it's their home, but this… this smells of trouble. They're the first thing I see when I look out, and they're everywhere, but Sunrise is coming soon and I have to leave the house and set my stall in the Plaza of Pride. I make sure to fuck my wife before I leave on my elephant with the goods and our son and daughters. We see more Unsullied on the streets, but they leave us alone.

We find many more in the Plaza of Pride, but I notice something, there are no Astapor banners in sight. I send my children back home with half of the goods and the elephant and set the stall on my own. As the Sun rises higher, more stalls are set, but slave traders and their slaves are strangely nowhere to be seen, and they're usually here not long after I set my stall and are our first customers.

Something is wrong. The signs are all here, and I'm not the only vendor who sees them, but we have families to feed. Soon, we get customers, and news of the Plaza of Punishment being completely empty of slaves and the overnight complete closure of the port, the river and the city gates. There is more, the Unsullied are said to have turned against their masters and held people captive in bars, brothels and even the Temple of the Graces and forced them to give them everything they owned, from lands to businesses and ships, before killing them.

One man says that the Unsullied told everyone they could continue with business as usual after taking away the bodies and escorted people who wanted to leave the bar he was at to their homes and left them there. Some people claim the Unsullied's eyes glowed in different colors like the silk lanterns of the Good Masters ranging from blue to green, white and even reptilian. One woman, a frequent customer of mine, says that she saw ten Unsullied escorting Good Master Kraznys' beautiful young translator to Good Master Grazdan's big pyramid earlier this morning.

Speaking of the Good Masters, many say that the Unsullied are concentrated at their pyramids, especially Good Master Grazdan's. More news arrive as early morning turns into late morning, including that of docked ships being searched at the port by the Unsullied and the captains and crew of those found with slaves being interrogated and killed, and where the slaves in the Plaza of Punishment disappeared to: they were taken to the Temple of the Graces for Blue Graces to heal.

I have never in my life heard of a slave being sent to the healers, or Unsullied turning against their masters. I don't know what to think about all this, but I'm grateful to return to my family at the end of the day and fuck my wife some more.

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