Chapter 10

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Scott's POV

Although I was taken by the turn of events and Daenerys' charming smile, I knew at the back of my mind that I was not going to sleep tonight, nightmares awaited me and this time, Drogo wasn't their cause, I was.

"Thank you for not leaving me," Daenerys thanked me using the noise to her advantage as tears left her eyes. "I thought you were going to sacrifice yourself."

"I sacrificed more than you'll ever understand," I replied with a broken voice and a heavy heart, avoiding her eyes. "The more you fight, the more you lose. And this time, this time I lost what separated me from Deucalion and Peter.

I became the monster I've always tried not to be, the same monster that I promised myself I wouldn't become. I became the thing I wanted to die before I became it because I knew I was on the way to becoming it, and now I am it. I am nothing but a monster."

And my mother would be ashamed of me, and so would my friends, my pack, which I didn't have any more just like I didn't have my connection with the moon anymore.

If I was anywhere else, I would break down and cry. And if I could return home, I wouldn't because I highly doubted a monster like me would be accepted or even deserved to be welcomed back.

I belonged in this cruel world now, with monsters like me, like Drogo, and I was going to put them in their place.
Daenerys' POV

I thought that I had seen Drogo at his weakest and most vulnerable, but Scott McCall brought a whole new level of vulnerability to Drogo that I doubted anyone has ever seen before and, somehow, he didn't appear weak.

The vulnerability made him seem even more brave and strong.

The unshed tears that told me that if we were anywhere else, he would have happily let them fall and that made him more of a man than I've ever thought tears could make a man.

They humanized him in a way that made him seem more attractive and appealing to not only the eyes but also to the heart, and I found myself falling in love again because this was the kind of man that I wanted to raise my children and spend my life with.

But sadly, I couldn't carry children anymore and who was to say he was attracted to me, he wasn't Drogo, he was someone else, and we just met.

As if the only children I could have felt my sorrow, they climbed up my legs which I had fortunately covered thanks to Irri and nested on my shoulders, well, two of them, Black and Green, Cream chose Scott's head and hair.

Scott, Scott who saw himself as a monster for saving me and my khalasar without knowing us.

"You're not a monster," I said turning his face towards mine so that he would look me in the eye. "You are the man who saved me and my khalasar from certain death, slavery and rape."

"And now we're going to be the slavers," Scott replied, and I shook my head.

"No, that's not how I want our khalasar to work," I responded. "I set all slaves free before I walked into the fire. Everyone you found in my khalasar when you woke up chose to stay as brothers and sisters, and husbands and wives, and we're going to give these people the same choice, to stay as brothers and sisters, or leave."

That seemed to surprise Scott, and I was glad because it took away his attention from his guilt to something positive.

"Should I do the honors or do you want to?" I asked him when everyone quieted down.

"*You do it," Scott answered, and I nodded, took a deep breath, something I regretted because I inhaled some of Green's mouth breath, the burned flesh.

"*Our khalasar will not have slaves or partake in rape!" I tried to raise my voice as much as I could while retaining quality. "*If you want to stay as brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, as a family, a true khalasar, you may stay and become blood of our blood! But if you don't want to stay, leave, no one will stop you!"

"*If you stay and practice what we forbid...!" Scott added and looked at Khal Pono's now skull without flesh and moved towards it before crushing it with his foot with easy, shocking many including myself. "*If you decide to leave, don't expect to take anyone with you as your slave, our dragons are always hungry, and they eat slavers and rapists for afternoon snack!"

That was quite a threat and warning, and the fact that everyone saw the dragons having their fill of Khal Pono's head made it clear that we meant what we said.

"*Those who choose to stay, collect your things and join camp," I instructed.

"*Those who decide to leave but were not slaves, leave with nothing but your lives," Scott said, and though I was sure many didn't like what he said, they didn't have the courage to challenge him. "*And tell everyone you meet that when you attack my khalasar, if you survive, you'll leave with nothing but your lives and serve as warning!"

With that out of the way, we went back to camp with Irri and Rakharo falling in line.

I might have lost Drogo, but in a couple of ways, he was still here with me.

Did I want to cross the sea and reclaim what was righ...?

Scott's words came back to me and prevented me from finishing that thought.

The only thing that was truly rightfully mine by birth was King's Landing, and that meant I could reclaim it and maybe there was a chance Scott could help me reclaim it, but first, I had to eradicate slavery and rape culture in Dothraki society and Essos as a whole, something I suspected Scott wouldn't mind too much helping me accomplish.

My son didn't die for nothing, Drogo didn't die for nothing and I didn't suffer for nothing.

I was going to make sure that no one else would go through what I did, what Mirri Maz Duur went through, although I hated her for what she did and the pain she caused me.

With my dragons, Black who I decided to officially name Drogon after Drogo, Green who I decided to name Rhaegal after my son Rhaego and Cream who I decided to let Scott name, Scott and our growing khalasar, I could see a brighter future, and I was looking forward to it.

I suddenly remembered something and turned to Scott.

"Oh, ff you were wondering, you brought something with you that's entirely yours," I said, and he looked at me questioningly. "Look at your left arm."

He did and when he saw the two black band, the tears he had been holding in finally escaped with a bittersweet expression washing over his face with a smile to match gracing his face, and I was surprised to find that this was a new expression on Drogo's face.

It seemed Scott was a very expressive person and I couldn't wait to discover all of his expressions, although I wasn't sure I wanted to share them with anyone which was why I was glad no one saw all these precious reactions.

"Thanks, Dany," Scott voiced his gratitude.

I came to a sudden halt, surprised by how he addressed me.

"Dany?" I asked, and he stopped as well.

"You don't like me calling you Dany?" He inquired in turn.

"No, I like it," I replied just barely holding in my smile so that he didn't see how much I really liked hearing him call me Dany.

"OK," He said with a nod and motion that we continue before he added. "Dany."

I smiled as we started walking, but a part of me felt like I was betraying Drogo, so I reigned in the smile.

It wasn't the time to move on yet, especially with Scott McCall, because of his body which wasn't originally his but my late husband's.

Dragons really had a way of changing the world and turning it upside down, all that was needed was blood, which ran through my veins, and fire, which Scott was possibly made off.

Blood and fire were going to be the End of Games for slavery and rape culture.

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