Chapter 7

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Scott's POV

What was going on? Instead of transforming into a werewolf, I transferred into whatever this was, a were-fire shapeshifter.

Through the confusion, being in this form cleared most of my mind and the feeling that I had a purpose became clearer although I didn't know what the purpose was. I did know, though, somehow, what the three strange animals that were coming my way were, they were baby dragons.

Hiding my confusion at all this, I stared down my would be attackers as the dragons climbed up my legs and moved to my shoulders and head as the mountain stopped shaking.

"*Attack me again and I'll roast you alive just enough to leave you at Night Lands' gate and leave you to die a slow and excruciating death with wild animals ripping your flesh from your bones," I promised darkly growling the last word, and I received the reaction I wanted, unadulterated terror.

To my surprise, I also received admiration from... Was it Aggo? Who stole a look at my face.

I saw another kind of admiration from Daenerys, the kind that preceded great and passionate sex that I felt deep in my soul.

But I had never had sex with Daenerys before. But Drogo did and I had his vivid memories and they were messing with my head and I didn't like that, although a part of me did even if I didn't want to admit it.

"*Leave us alone," I commanded like I once commanded Malia to shift into her human form and Peter commanded me to kill my friends, with full Alpha authority.

Aggo, Kovarro and Rakharo didn't hesitate to follow my orders, they knew the penalty of questioning my orders, Drogo's orders, I meant.

The foreign man in armour Drogo called iron suits, Jorah was his name, hesitated and looked at Daenerys. He was lucky I - Drogo - respected Daenerys or I would have ripped his throat out, with my teeth.

OK, that thought was disturbing and Drogo was a really disturbed man.

"Go," Daenerys instructed the man she called Ser Jorah, the man who saved Daenerys and the baby from being poisoned.

The man excused himself after assisting Daenerys stand and stealing a look at me.

"Wha...?" She began to asked.

"He's still in hearing range," I said not wanting anyone to eavesdrop, hence I made sure not to repeat the mistake of not listening for anyone coming our way.

I inhaled deeply before exhaling with the thought of extinguishing the flames and the trick worked, to my relief but the dragon's dismay and they curled in to retain the heat I produced, pretending to know what I was doing and what was going on was hard.

"He's gone," I announced and shifted into my human form like I would have if I were still a werewolf. "I overheard some people saying that you hatched the dragon eggs and resurrected me."

"If I could resurrect people, I wouldn't have sacrificed our child and my fertility to save your life," Daenerys replied bitterly before she seemed to remember that I said I wasn't Drogo but she didn't retract her words. "What are you?"

"A were-dragon," I said the first thing that crossed my mind and almost face-palmed.

"A were-dragon? And a dog?"

"Um, I'm still working on the name of what I am just as I'm working on understanding what's going on and why I'm not dead."

"So, you were dead before you took over Drogo's body?" Daenerys asked.

She wasn't pulling any punches with her questions and I found myself tongue tied.

"I... Was Drogo dead?" I asked instead of answering and she nodded and I could tell this was hard for her as it was for me. "I... The last thing I remember is that I was dying before I woke up in your hut. You mentioned a maegi, could you bring her here?"

"She killed our, my, son and cursed us and I burned her alive," Daenerys responded and I was shocked, despite reliving Drogo's greatest horrors. "Aggo believes that the Great Stallion brought Drogo back so that he will fulfill your, er, Drogo's vow. If you have Drogo's memories, what was his vow?"

"The vow to do something no khal or Dothraki has done before, cross the sea and do unspeakable things to the people of the western continent in the name of your son, for your son, after a failed assassination attempt on your life."

People, we liked causing other people pain and when they caused us pain we felt wronged and the need to avenge that wrong, but Drogo took it to another level. He wanted to enslave a whole continent like a certain people from back home.

"Aggo also believes that Drogo was brought back so that he will become the stallion that will mount the world," Daenerys added.

"What do you believe?" I inquired.

She didn't respond immediately and that gave me the time to ask myself what I believed. I believed death screwed me over.

"I believe the dragons brought you here to help me reclaim what is rightfully mine and rule with me," Daenerys finally answered.

"Do you know what I believe?" I asked.

"What do you believe?" She inquired.

"I believe innocent people shouldn't pay for what they didn't do and the world doesn't need to be mounted," I replied. "I chose to die because I'm tired of fighting and I'm not going to join someone else's fight when I died to leave mine. The more you fight, the more you'll lose.

As for what you think is rightfully yours, if you mean the Seven Kingdoms, remember that they were never your family's to begin with."

"How dare...!?" Daenerys began obviously angered by what I said stepping forward.

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