Chapter 3

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Daenerys' POV

"No, Khaleesi," Ser Jorah said with a hand stretched out in front of me. "We don't know what this is. We don't know if this is the maegi's work."

"We won't know if we leave him there," I replied just barely holding myself back from pushing his hand away and running towards Drogo.

My awake baby dragon seemed to dislike the hindering hand and made it known by hissing at it, and Ser Jorah retrieved his hand.


Whatever Ser Jorah was going to say ended right there because the dragon on my left shoulder, cream with gold markings, suddenly took off and tried to fly towards Drogo, but it didn't know how to fly yet, although it made it halfway there, and then it began to walk the rest of the way.

Although I wanted to stop it... Wait, how did one tell the sex of dragons? I didn't want to refer to my children as it(s).

Well, that didn't matter right now, what mattered was that Cream, a temporary name until I thought of a better one, was making his/her way towards Drogo.

I watched in silence as Cream reached Drogo and climbed on top of his back and then laid down.

I took that as a sign that it was really Drogo and...

"Khaleesi..." Ser Jorah started as I began to move forward.

"For someone who swore to obey me, you undermine my judgment quite often, Ser Jorah, and I don't like it," I interrupted him looking him in the eye. "Is it because I'm a woman? Or is it because I'm young? Or maybe both?"


"I don't care what you have to say if you're going to question me," I cut him off and then turned towards Rakharo. "*Come with me, Rakharo. And bring Aggo and Kovarro with you."

With that, I walked past the fighters of my khalasar without hindrance and went to Drogo.

Although I wanted to touch Drogo when I reached him, I couldn't because my hands were full and the dressing I was wearing wasn't the kind that I could move freely wearing, and so I settled for looking at him, and he looked exactly like he did before he fell ill, but his beard and hair weren't tied up.

I placed Black, the dragon in my hands, on my left shoulder so that I could pick up Cream who protested with hisses but settled down once in my hands.

"*Take him to my hut," I instructed Aggo and Kovarro and then looked at Rakharo as they carried out my instruction without question. "*Take count of everyone, our supplies and horses."

"*Blood of my blood," Rakharo acknowledged my order and followed it.

I looked at my khalasar.

"Before I walked into the fire!" I began. "I said that if you stay, it will not be as slaves but as brothers and sisters. You stayed even after I walked into the fire and awaited my return, and that means that you are the brothers and sisters I said you will be.

You are my khalasar, and I am your Khaleesi, and these three dragons are now part of our khalasar, and together, we will redefine what it means to be a khalasar! *We will protect one another and bring nothing but pain and death to those who wish even one of us harm!"

I received loud cries of approval from my khalasar and I couldn't help but join them, and the same went for my children who joined with their hisses.

I wondered what they would sound like when they were fully grown and the thought made my blood rush in anticipation of the future.

Speaking of the future, although it appeared like I knew what our future looked like, I didn't. With Drogo returning to me, I was as hopeful as I was confused.

The speech I gave was a way to inspire my khalasar, distract them from Drogo's return and give them something to look forward to, something I always longed for, a family, a caring, loving, protective and stable family, and I was going to give it to them.

I just hoped Drogo truly did return to me and the man I just had sent to my hut wasn't some sick joke Mirri Maz Duur left me as a dog transforming into Drogo appeared to be.

With everyone on high spirits, I left for my hut with Ser Jorah following me.

"Don't ever question me again, Ser Jorah," I said on the way. "I thought you, of all people, would know what questioning a leader, especially in front of followers, could do."

"My apologies, Khaleesi," He replied. "I was just worried about you."

I didn't respond to that, I focused on my dragons, instead. Dragons... Who would have thought that I would have three of them after unintentionally hatching them? Certainly not me after I failed to do so before, but here I was.

The walk to the hut was long and short at the same time because of my dragons and what, who, awaited me in my hut.

I wondered if the dragons were responsible for Drogo's resurrection.

If that was so, I wondered what more they could do as I entered my hut and found Aggo and Kovarro standing watch, more like staring at Drogo.

"*Khaleesi," Aggo said to gain my attention. "*There's something strange on his left arm."

"What is it?" I asked.

Kovarro pointed at Drogo's left arm where I saw two black bands, one thicker than the other with the thick one above the thin.

"*It looks like his skin turned black and formed the pattern," He described. "*And his wound is gone."

Now that I was in my hut, I kneeled down and placed Cream on the floor before doing the same with Black and Green and then turned my attention on Drogo.

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