Chapter 8

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Scott's POV

"The last person I know who thought something was rightfully his killed his own niece and tried to use his enemy, his daughter and my friends to kill me so that he could take my power because he thought it was rightfully his. Guess where he is."


"Worse, in a prison he can't escape from with no one visiting him or even missing him," I corrected. "Who are you going to use to reclaim what 'rightfully' belongs to you? Your khalasar? Even if it dies and there's only you left? The dragons like your ancestors who you base your claim of 'rightfulness' on?

Me? Because I took over Drogo's body and I possess great power that even your dragons are drawn to? Who are you going to sacrifice for your cause, Daenerys?"

It seemed I hit a nerve with my last sentence because Daenerys flinched like I slapped her hard across the face and I couldn't help feel ashamed for my choice of words, recalling that she said that she sacrificed her son with Drogo in an attempt to save Drogo.

"I'm so..." I began to apologize but the sound of battle cries and running horses heading towards the camp suddenly caught my attention followed by footsteps heading our way. "We're under attack!"

That was the only warning I gave before I went to leave and see what I could do to defend the camp on instinct that my wish for dying appeared to not have erased.

"What?" Daenerys asked confused at my sudden change in tone and stopped me from passing by her by holding my arm. "What do you mean we're under attack?"

"There's a khalasar heading our way with battle cries."

"How do you know?"

"You just saw me covered by fire that came out of nowhere, do you really need to ask?" I questioned.

Before she could respond, Rakharo appeared running towards us with items in hand.

"*Khal Drogo, we're under attack!" Rakharo delivered his message before he could even reach us and I made to correct the man, but Daenerys squeezed my arm. "*A scout bloodrider says that Pono is on his way here to attack us with the khalasar that left with him!"

He presented me with the items that I realized where Drogo's clothes and weapons.

It was only then that I noticed that I was naked and figured the fire burned the clothes I had been wearing, thankfully the Dothraki didn't care much about anyone's state of dress, although I now understood Jorah's hesitance to leave, kind of because as far as everyone else knew, I was Drogo and Drogo was married to Daenerys.

I accepted the clothes while Daenerys took the dragons off me so that I could dress but the dragon that was on top of my abdomen earlier and was now on my head refused to move, holding onto my hair.

"Leave it," I said and started dressing.

"How many are they?" Daenerys asked.

"Ten thousand, or more," Rakharo answered, and I snapped my head in his direction in shock.

How were we supposed to survive when there were less than forty of us?

"How many are we?" Daenerys followed up while I hurried dressing.

"Thirty four, Khaleesi."

"Thir-Thirty four?" Daenerys sounded like she was about to have a panic attack. "Why would Pono attack a small khalasar like ours?"

"*He probably heard about Khal Drogo's death and that you took his place, something that's unheard of."

"*What happens if I kill Pono?" I asked because I didn't see any way out of this other than killing the new Khal Pono, but I knew even before I got an answer that killing Pono wasn't going to stop the attack.

"*If you display your new powers while killing him, the khalasar is likely to surrender and return to your command, Khal," Rakharo responded, and I realized that I momentarily forgot about my new abilities.

"They're almost here," I announced done dressing up and looked at Daenerys. "I guess I'm the sacrifice this time."

"No!" She replied with all the strength she could put behind that one word. "I'm not losing you again."

"You never lost me in the first place," I replied and turned to Rakharo. "*Keep her here until I send someone for you."

"*Blood of my blood," Rakharo acknowledged my order.

"You're not going to keep me here," Daenerys stubbornly stated and gave Rakharo one mean look. "I'm your Khaleesi and..."

"And you obviously want to keep fighting," I cut her off. "You already know where I stand. If you don't want to lose your dragons, stay here. Remember what I said about fighting, the more you fight, the more you'll lose."

With that, I sprinted away with my eyes shifting to their were-dragon color I wondered what it looked like, anticipation building up as I picked up speed and allowed my - Drogo's - well conditioned body for wild battles guide me along with my instincts, although they were a little different to those that I had as a werewolf in my body.

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