Chapter 13

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Unsullied Barracks, Astapor


After we take Missandei to the Head Handler's former quarters, which now belong to me, after she faints, I leave Mossador and First Kanima—one of many Unsullied who turned into kanimas instead of werewolves after I gave them the Bite; he chose the name because he doesn't remember his given name and he takes pride in being the first kanima I turned—to watch her, and go watch the bay alone. As much as I'm happy for Mossador and Missandei, their unexpected reunion reminds me of my own lost sister Alicia.

She was declared dead a while ago but we never found her body and now I hope she's still alive and well and that she and our father will find each other. I regret that we lost all hope and kind of gave up on looking for her. The Unsullied conditioning can't suppress this regret and pain and loss, and I don't want it to. I also left my father all alone and I wonder if Derek told him about what happened to me. I doubt it, to my sorrow. Both of my father's children have gone missing and he'll never know what happened to us.

I didn't get the chance to process my death and resurrection and everything last night, so I take this time to do so and grieve for myself and for my father. To my frustration, I find that I physically can't grieve. I can't shed tears or even dry cry, all because of the Unsullied conditioning that crippled my natural grieving process and ruined Grey's and thousands upon thousands of people's lives, children's lives.

Everything just keeps on building up inside me the more I think about that and losing Alicia, our mother and Erica and my father through my death, and the Alpha Pack probably having killed Derek and Cora and the others. It all builds up and turns into anger and the anger turns into fury, until I decide to let it out in a productive way like last night. I pay Kraznys and his human trafficking friends a visit and find them just as the kanima paralytic toxin begins to wear off.

I'm glad that Chameleon didn't use too much of First Kanima's paralytic toxin when he paralyzed them while invisible. I don't know why so many Unsullied didn't turn into werewolves, but the diversity in the supernatural creatures they turned into is very useful and a huge advantage to our pack, although we had to kill some due to their bodies violently rejecting the Bite. We almost killed the kanimas too when black blood started to come out of their orifices, but First Kanima's eyes changing saved them, to my relief.

Right now, my relief will come in the form of an interrogation. The Unsullied aren't the only victims of slavery and human trafficking, so are people like Missandei, and some of the people responsible are here, slowly coming out of paralysis, and I plan to make them pay.


Boyd's Quarters


Watching the girl that claims to be the long lost sister of who This One used to be as she sleeps, This One thinks of all the ways This One can kill her should Alpha give the command. She may be Missandei, but This One is Unsullied, and Alpha's first Beta. This One is loyal to and obeys only Alpha now. He may not speak of how he became Alpha, but This One and the Unsullied know that he was blessed by the Bride of Battle, the Mother of Hosts, the great goddess of the Unsullied the Lady of Spears last night.

She freed him and blessed him with her divine power and made him her Champion of Battle, the Father of Hosts and the new great god of the Unsullied Alpha. His word is This One's command and his command is to watch Missandei and make sure she doesn't move. This One will not let her out of This One's sight, even as she sleeps, or let her move when she wakes, neither will First Kanima.


Interrogation Room


The first thing that comes out of Kraznys mouth at the end of his paralysis is a threat and a demand to be let go. I quickly humble him by ripping out one of his middle fingers with pure strength and he screams bloody murder while his friends watch in horror. After losing his finger, Kraznys understands that he's not in charge anymore, so I begin with the questions.

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