Chapter 6

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Daenerys' POV

When I woke up, I woke up to an empty bed and my heart sank thinking Drogo's return was just a dream. The deaf never returned, why did I think they're would be an exception to Drogo?

I... I suddenly noticed that the hut was torn on the opposite side of the door, too cleanly for me to think that it just happened.

No, the tear was intentional, and judging by the way the torn part was outside, the tear was done from the inside.

Hope blossomed at the prospect that maybe my dream was real and Drogo just left to clear his mind and gather his thoughts.

I... I noticed Cream leaving the hut using the tear and wondered if he/she knew the way Drogo went, the bed was still warm, giving me reason to believe that he just left.

Getting up, I picked up Black and Green and followed Cream out.

It didn't take long for me to realise that the route Cream was taking was the same one I took when I was taken to a catatonic Drogo after the ritual and we lost our child.

I picked up Cream and picked up our pacing, hoping that Drogo was where I thought her was although the spot brought me bad memories.

A smile graced my face when I found him there and tears started falling from my eyes at the sight of him deep in thought.

"*My Sun and Stars," I breathed.

Drogo jumped to his feet at that, startled but not so much that he left himself defenceless.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in the common tongue of Westeros like he grew up speaking out, shocking me.

"I came to check on you," I replied although I wanted to ask if he was himself.

I settled for keeping my distance for now just to be safe because he wasn't looking at me like he usually did and he replied in a foreign tongue and spoke it oddly well, and he didn't address me as Moon of his life.

"Wh-What happened?" Drogo asked and I could see the confusion in his eyes and behaviour, and so I answered.

"Your wound festered and you became ill and..." I hesitated but pressed on because Drogo liked facing things head on. "And you fell off your horse. I tried to get you healed but we - we lost our son and I - and I lost you."

For a moment, I saw grief enter his eyes but...

"I-I don't have a son," Drogo said more to himself than me. "I can't have a child. I..."

"We do!" I insisted feeling a heartache at his words but caught and corrected myself with tears in my eyes, walking towards him. "We did. But I... The maegi..."

"You don't understand!" Drogo cut me off looking as though he was overwhelmed and he wanted to cry. "I'm not Drogo!"

"What do you mean?" I asked coming to a halt.

"I look like him, I sound like him and I have his memories and they feel like mine, but I'm not him!" The man I believed was Drogo but said that he wasn't Drogo responded. "This is not my body! My body is of an eighteen-year-old Hispanic American with an uneven chin and a tattoo on my left arm.

I don't have full grown beard yet and I sure as Hell don't have the amount of blood and tears on my hands that Drogo has. I don't know what's going on but I'm not a killer, I'm not a rapist and I'm not him. I'm not a Khal and I'm not Drogo! I'm a True Alpha, and most of all, I am Scott McCall!"

"What is a Hispanic American and a True Alpha?" I asked feeling my heart sink again but doing all that I could to not break down.

Before he could answer, though, Ser Jorah appeared with Aggo, Kovarro and Rakharo, weapons at the ready before Kovarro and Ser Jorah moved on the attack on Dro-Scott McCall while Aggo and Rakharo moved to secure me.

"Stop!" I commanded but my bloodriders were already set on the attack with Kovarro releasing a battle cry.

Dro-Scott released a battle cry of his own in response and his sounded like a great beast's roar and it made the mountain we were on shake while I watched in horror as his eyes growled fiery, his nail became long claws, his mouth opened with his canines large and intimidating.

But all that paled when he was suddenly engulfed in fire and his skin seemed to form cracks all over his body and through the cracks, there appeared to be molten rock or metal or whatever it was.

We all fell to our knees due to the mountain shaking and fear-no, terror.

My terror increased when I saw Cream eagerly heading towards whatever the man in Drogo's body was. It doubled when I saw Green joining him, Black too.

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