Chapter 9

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Jorah's POV

Death was coming for me today. I knew it because I was looking at it rushing towards me, but I was going to face it head on like the Northern man I was and die fighting in defense of my liege Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen.

I had many regrets throughout my life, the greatest being dishonoring my house, but I didn't regret this moment. Death waited long enough, but I faced it today under the Sun with my head held high, a little of my honor restored, at least I hoped so.

"Here I stand!" I found myself screaming a variation of the words of my house like one of the Dothraki, at peace with my impending death as Khal Pono closed in with his khalasar.

Khaleesi Daenerys' khalasar screamed a battle cry of its own and I wished Khal Drogo would join our battle cries with his own terrifying one that still had some of us shaking and determined to not be driven back where it came from.

As that thought crossed my mind, I suddenly saw a blur pass our first defense line with the sound of a spinning arakh sailing through air heading towards the center.

I moved to checked where the blur came from only for a larger blur to pass by our defense line like the first blur and followed its path before stopping between us and the oncoming khalasar and materialized to reveal Khal Drogo who raised his head up, held out his hands and released his beast like battle cry.

Though the battle cry inspired terror and nothing but terror the first time I heard it, this time it inspired hope and chased death away, although it was louder and more terrifying.

The horses of Khal Pono's khalasar scattered in response, throwing off riders who couldn't hold on from their backs, and they were many if the chaos that followed was anything to go by.

It seemed death decided to change targets, courtesy of the man who defeated death, itself, and I couldn't be more glad that I was on his side as he arrogantly walked towards the chaos without weapons in his hands, but the man didn't need weapons, he was a weapon, the greatest weapon I have ever seen.

Whoever stood in his way in whatever form, Khal Drogo struck down with little effort, either simply sidestepping and twisting their heads, breaking their necks, or ripping their throats out, probably with his claws.

One brave challenge ran towards Khal Drogo head on only to have his head removed from his neck.

Now that scared me, and so did the way Khal Drogo killed a struggling bloodrider with a dead horse on his legs, by ripping his heart out of his chest with his bare hand.

Many of Khal Pono witnessed this and stayed clear of his path, which I realized was the same path the first blur took.

With no one to distract him, Khal Drogo reached his destination, bent down to pick something and then stood up and raised that something high, so everyone could see it, it turned out to be Khal Pono's severed head.

"*Your khal is dead!" Khal Drogo bellowed and everyone stopped whatever they were doing to listen, many, including myself, realizing that he, somehow, cut off Khal Pono's head from behind our line of defense with his thrown arakh. "*Who will you follow now!?"

With his question posed, fire suddenly engulfed the hand that was holding Khal Pono's head and travelled from the hand to the head and engulfed it.

Something atop Khal Drogo's head hissed fiercely, and in the silence, it sounded loud, I realized that it was a dragon.

Just as I made that realisation, Khaleesi suddenly passed by me with Irri and Rakharo flanking her, two dragons on her shoulders which were protected by shoulder armor, and they too hissed.

Khal Drogo didn't drop the burning head, instead, it fell on its own because the hair he was holding it with burned off, and it rolled a little before stopping.

The dragon on his head flew down towards the head and watched it intently.

When Khaleesi was close enough, the dragons on her shoulders joined their sibling in watching the burning head while she matched on, reached Khal Drogo and held his burning hand.

Like him, she didn't scream in pain, instead, they came closer and looked into each other's eyes, with the Khal looking a little shocked while the Khaleesi's face brightened with a blinding smile as the flames died down along with those that engulfed the head watched by the dragons, and not a moment too soon, they feasted on it.

I was reminded of Khal Drogo's threat and resolved to make sure that I never forgot the sight for it would keep me from doing anything to draw his wrath on me, hence I turned my eyes elsewhere just like Irri and Rakharo who gave the duo their space.

"Blood of my blood!" Someone suddenly disturbed the silence from the defeated enemy's side before he knelt not far from the extraordinary leaders of the khalasar I was happy to call my own.

Someone else repeated the words and soon, the mountain top was filled with the declaration with all but two people kneeling.

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