Jesse lingard- what would i do without you

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You looked after Jesse well and he knew how lucky he was.

You cooked him breakfast, lunch and dinner, took him to training when he asked you too, picked him up from his friends or if he went on a night out. Gave his friends lifts where ever they wanted to go. And Jesse just couldn't imagine life without you. Of course he did lots and lots for you too and did anything you wanted when you asked him.

Early this morning Jesse had training, so the night before you prepared him and breakfast and a lunch to take with him.

You woke up to a text message from him

Hey baby I left my lunch at house don't suppose you could drop it over? Xxx

Yeah course babe, does Marcus want anything? X

No he brought his lunch for once😂xx

Okay😂 be there soon love xxx

You grabbed his lunch and headed off to the training ground..
"This boy honestly" you said to yourself

I'm here Jess x

Okay coming xxx

Jesse greeted you with a smile "ahhh what would I do without you girl" he laughed giving you a hug

"Hmm I wonder" you said laughing back at him

He gave you a quick kiss

"I'll be back around 5" he said

"Okay what do you want for dinner today?" You asked him

"Can you do that pasta thing"

"Yeah course" you replied and gave him another quick kiss

"Your the best love you" he said running off back to the boys

"Love you" you shouted back before getting in the car and heading home

A few hours later you heard a car pull up, you went to the door expecting to see just Jesse, but instead you were welcomed by a sad looking Jesse and Marcus holding him up

"Jesus Christ are you okay" you said looking at them both

"Jesse sprained his ankle in training" Marcus said

"Oh Jess" you said taking his hands and helping him come inside

"I'm fine" he said in a not so convincing tone

"Thanks for helping him back Marcus" you said giving him a smile

"No worries" he said and got back into his car, you shut the door and helped Jesse over to the sofa

"Put your ankle here" you said putting a cushion onto the coffee table and moving it a bit closer so he could rest his foot up on it, you sat down next to him.

"How'd you do it" you spoke as you played with his hair

"Well we was doing 5 a side against each other and I got tackled and fell funny on it" he mumbled

You kissed the side of his head "it will be okay soon, I'll get you some pain killers" you said walking off into the kitchen.

You came back and got Jesse to take what you had brought in. "Dinner will be ready soon" you said sitting back down next to him

"Thank you" he said looking at you

"It will be okay Jess, just a few days resting and then you will be fine" you smiled at him

"I know it's just annoying tho innit, just got the new manager and I'm out for a week and won't even get to show him anything" he said looking down at his hands

"I know baby and I can't imagine how annoying it must be but once you get back there and your good as new you can show him how amazing you really are and he will see that, trust me" you said giving his forehead a little kiss

"Come on let's get you some dinner" you said helping him up and taking him to the table

You brought in his dinner as well as yours

"What would I do without you" he said

You laughed

"No I'm being serious" he took your hand in his "you do so much for me I genuinely can't begin to think the state my life would be without you. You keep me grounded, you stop me from giving up, you look after me. I just genuinely don't know what I would do without you" he said very sincerely

"Well it's a good job I'm not going anywhere then isn't it" you smiled at him and giggled a bit, he smiled back

"I love you, so much" he said

"I love you more"

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