5- Desperate for you

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Continuation from the previous chapter

An- Everyone's favourite warning.... smut warning

It was soon late, later than it should've of been for a model and drummer who were supposedly friends, and we'd both drunk enough to feel slightly lighter yet still sober enough to think straight.

There had been a tension building all night, one that needed to burst soon. It could've been the alcohol that made me feel like I finally needed to feel his arms around me again, butI had been gazing into Roger's eyes with the feeling for a while now.

"What do you think we should do for the rest of the evening then Lynn ? We're five drinks in, I would say a fair amount, and we've run out of conversation." Roger smirked, eating the final chip from the basket we'd ordered to share not too long ago, the alcohol only giving his confidence a boost some would deem unnecessary.

"Well I think you might have an idea in mind Roger..."

"Well, how drunk exactly are you ? Cause it really depends on how sober you are before I ask the next question..." he asked almost too quickly, waiting for a response as laughed a little.

"I've had five drinks, and half a portion of chips, I'd say I'm partly sober, not hugely drunk. Well... sober enough to not do anything ridiculously stupid." I replied with a small confidence behind each word, a smile pulling at my lips that he told himself meant he was gonna get what he wanted.

"So if I ask you to come back to my place... what are you gonna say ?"

"I'll come back to yours Roger... but if you dare let this boost your ego even higher than it already is i can leave your address just as quick." He smiled, almost too brightly, nodding as he quickly wrapped his jacket around himself. He knew he'd gotten what he'd be looking for, which I immediately gave to him happily, which meant that his smugness wasn't gonna have any intention of dropping.

"I wouldn't dare. I'll pay Charlie whilst you go and find us a taxi..." I nodded quickly, grabbing my own jacket as I smiled and waved at the familiar face behind the bar before making my way out into the cold street.

I was only by myself for a short while, but it gave me time to think about how smart this move I was making was gonna be. There wasn't anything telling me I shouldn't go to the drummers, and of course I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to him, but there was a slight tug trying to pull me away from doing something I felt I would regret. I didn't think I was gonna regret it the following morning, I had a feeling it was something that would come back to haunt me much later on. But that feeling was quite strong enough.

The alcohol was what made me consider his offer with more freedom, but I hardly had a staggering amount. It was really an excuse. I didn't like to think I was sober enough to agree to the offer as quickly as I did, but for hours now I'd been sat opposite him, my mind curious about how his lips would feel against mine. That was the tension, and it needed to burst.

"Fuck it's cold." Roger chucked, shivering slightly as he stepped out the door. "Did you get us a cab ?"

"There's a rank just around the corner. You're staring to sound a little desperate to get home you know Taylor..." I chuckled, my breath clouding in the air between us as he nodded and took my hand in his again with little hesitation.

Every time I felt my hand in wrapped in his, even though that was only the second time they'd been wrapped in each other, I always still thought about how oddly soft they were for a man who had a career drumming. It didn't make sense, but then again I knew nothing about him did.

He stayed quiet, a little nervous as we walked closer together in the cold. The rank was only a mere minute a way, but besides him it felt like it was a far longer walk, which was mostly due to my mind deciding to focus on what our plans for the rest of the night were.

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