10- It's just me and you

189 9 47

13th March 1978

"Nice of you to finally get out of bed... I thought I'd be on my own all morning." Roger smiled, his frame only covered by the same joggers he'd worn last night as mine padded into the kitchen wearing his dressing gown tightly.

I'd stayed at his for the night, which wasn't strange at all. But what was is the fact we hadn't actually fucked each other. It was the first time we'd just stayed in bed together, his arms wrapped around me as my head fell tiredly against him, shockingly no sex involved. And that was scary. Terrifying. Because really we both knew this was turning into more than two friends who had great sex.

"It's midday you know. You really were tired." He chuckled, my eyes widening as my mind processed the time. "Did you sleep alright though ?"

"Yeah. Best nights sleep I've had in far too long. Your bed is really comfy." I smiled, sitting up on the kitchen counter, his hands instantly falling against my waist as he smiled down at me.

"Considering your hair is a mess and you could probably do with a shower... you look pretty fucking hot right now." I scoffed, my mouth hung loosely open as he nodded and chuckled smugly. One of his hands parted from my waist, gently lifting up my chin as I tried to keep a straight face but instead giggled when the simple gesture turned my cheeks their usual flushed hue.

We didn't kiss in that specific moment. We paused. Simply stayed in that same position for only a short matter of time. His eyes stayed glued to every part of me, eyelashes falling down gently every time they chose to fixate on a different feature.

My eyes didn't dare to leave his. The soft ice blue that fenced his pupils that seemed to widen when they met mine was a scene I'd never become sick of. Even if he wasn't holding me in his arms, even if I wasn't the girl that happened to be his friend, I would always be in awe of those eyes. Always.

"Yesterday's make up doesn't look half bad on you." He whispered, followed with a small laugh as he wiped the mascara from underneath my eye before I lifted my hands up tiredly to cover my eyes as my face turned an apparent rose. I giggled, gently pushing him away as I wiped each eye, only to feel his hands fall back into the exact same spot when he noticed I'd cleared the smears.

"Don't be a twat." I smiled, eyes creasing as he shrugged guilty and bit down on his tongue between his teeth.

"I quite like having you in my arms." Roger mumbled, eyes flicking down from mine to catch my lips as my hands wrapped carefully around his neck.

We paused yet again. Still just taking the time to appreciate one another like we had endless amounts of it. But I think it was the fact that we really did have so little time together that we learnt to appreciate every second that we shared. Even if we did spend a few of them just in pure admiration of one another.

"I think this would be a good moment for a kiss you know." He whispered, gently pushing back my tumbled hair as he shuffled the only inch he could've closer.

"Well we shouldn't waist it then." I pressed my lips softly against his, savouring the taste of cigarettes against the pair as they fell open against mine. My hands tangled around his neck tightly, a small giggle escaping my lips as his fingers traced my lower back.

"Now that was a kiss. A fucking good kiss." Roger chuckled, eyes falling back onto mine as I nodded. "But no offence I need to have some form of lunch before my stomach shrivels. I can feel the weight dropping off already."

"Way to kill the mood." I giggled. "But yeah I'm relatively hungry I didn't have anything yesterday."

"Jesus." His eyes widened as I shrugged. "Right... I would offer you something a bit more, well a bit more interesting, but my range in cooking isn't great. So it's toast, or a sandwich. Or a KitKat. Your choice."

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