37- finding myself falling

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5th November 1980

"Aw he even took you out for breakfast the next day. That's so sweet." Leo sighed, glancing at Julian as he playfully rolled his eyes whilst the two girls sharing the sofa (who of course happened to be Connie and Summer) giggled at the two of them.

"Yeah we were hungover. It was convenient." I replied, shrugging slightly in the same jumper Roger had leant me that morning, the only thing I wanted to find myself in after a long day of work as I anticipated a long night at Julian's.

I'd found myself sat round his flat in the company of the same four people I always found myself enjoying to be in, filling them in about my last night spent with Roger, how I was hardly affected by the loss of my relationship with Nathan, how my hands were, and more importantly how my career and the press were doing- which in total wasn't all bad.

"Well... thanks for filling us in on that story. You went to a Halloween party as a slutty cat and John Lennon, much to all of our annoyance chatted away to the rest of Queen, danced bare foot in the grass to yours and Roger's song 'Imagine', drunk more booze than you should've and ended up all cuddled up in bed with Roger that night until you woke up hanging out of your ass to have breakfast." Julian added, a little smirk pulling at his lips smugly as I huffed and nodded, falling into the gap between him and Leo before his arm fell perfectly around my frame. "You told the much longer version of that story."

"Look... I was meant to be here for games night not go get bombarded with questions about Nathan, my hands and Roger. I've had a long enough day as it is I'd rather not talk about how I'm falling for Roger all over again. I mean I thought we were gonna kiss the other morning-"

"What !" All four of them cried out almost in sync, the rooms jaws tumbling against the floor (including mine) as we all realised what I'd said. I didn't mean to say what I did, but wether it was the sheer rush of words or apparent need to confess to something so easily as I did- I'd split the truth.

I didn't like to think I was finding myself falling for Roger all over again, but I was certain I was. It was worse the second time though, because without knowing the touch of his lips again or the warmth of his eyes as they danced across my frame in the middle of a room, and with knowing the lies he told me and the false truth he played with- I was falling with few intentions of ever being caught by the drummer.

"I think you should invite him round. Right now. It's a good distraction from Nathan, you like him, we all think he's well... decent, and respectfully you're the one who's gonna have no teammate if we play anything with pairs." Julian suddenly replied, breaking the silence that ended with the closing of our jaws, the other three nodding as my head had never shaken so frantically from side to side. It didn't take long for the others to recover from their initial shock, but that's because none of them were surprised. They just didn't expect me to admit it.

"Why not ? You've just sat here and told us about how much of an amazing time you had the other night... and he clearly cares about you if you knew he was the one to call after Nathan tossed you out. And if I'm not wrong you're currently wearing his bloody jumper !" Connie laughed, a smug pull at her lips as my cheeks turned a tickled red and teeth clamped on my bottom lip.

I knew she was right, after all the main topic of conversation between me and the four of them had been Roger. Ever since he'd come back into my life I couldn't stop sharing every little detail of every tiny moment, wether it was the way he hugged me tightly or the way we danced to our song, I told them every last piece that made up the picture of that moment.

It was surreal, everything. The coffee we shared, the truths we now told, the movie we watched with no one else in the room to catch us, his glasses I wore, the hugs we exchanged, the laughs we had, the care he gave, his jumper's I had... all of it. Everything was so bizarrely out of place it couldn't of been written any other way. He was destined to make his way back into another chapter, and that was it. I had until November twenty second to make sure he was gonna appear in the future pages like I undeniably wish he would.

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