22- you're my angel

115 6 22

1st July 1978

Tw- abuse, mentions of drug use. Please read with caution if you are easily triggered by either of the two <3

"I can't believe you leave tomorrow... if feels like only yesterday when you crawled in bed next to me." Mum smiled, pushing my hair back as I slowly nodded. "You'll call won't you ?"

"Of course I will. Everyday if you want me to. As long as the douche bag down stairs doesn't answer." She laughed, playfully rolling her eyes before nodding slowly.

The first was my last day of filming, and I would finally be able to fly back home and kiss my one and only acting job being before falling back into the much missed routine I'd gotten myself stuck into. I'd partly enjoyed behind home, only because I liked being there with mum, but the rest of it all was horrible.

I avoided dad as much as I could. He was constantly doing lines of whatever he could, a bottle always in his hand and his voice never quite the volume it should've been. The only person that could bare being with him for longer than five minutes was the nurse, Kimberley, but she was getting paid for being in the house.

As amazing as seeing mum was, it was also heartbreaking. She was too close to an end I was certain not to even think of until years later, but her voice was weak and her body even frailer. I had to pretend it wasn't really tearing my heart to pieces, but the smile I wore laying besides her was enough to cover the shredded shards.

"I'll miss you more than you think." She stroked my hair back gently, her hand trembling slightly as she pushed back a dark curl. "Don't bother with your dad when I'm gone... it's my bloody last wish that you never bloody see him again."

"Mum, you're not going anywhere alright ? Don't talk like that. You're gonna be fine I promise. You're way too strong."

"But I'm not gonna live forever... do me a favour and if the chance to ever be with that Roger ever happens again... promise me you'll take it. Because I've never seen you talk about someone like that. If you ever see him again make sure he doesn't leave."

"Ok... but only for you." I laughed, confused as she nodded with a seriousness that intrigued me. "I think you would've liked him. He could be polite. He got really shy sometimes too... had habit of scratching his neck whenever he did."

"And just so you know, I wanna be buried in the church yard... so you can all leave me flowers and cry on some old wooden bench. I'll be there laughing at you when your make up is dripping down your face." She chuckled slightly, pointing upwards as my face became sadder and head gently shook itself from left to right.

"Do you believe in heaven and angels and all that stuff... do you think you get a little halo and sit in the cloud when you go...?" I wasn't sure what response I wanted from the question, but regardless I still asked it. I wanted to know what she thought, and wether she was certain she would end up looking down on me or not.

"If you ask me, angels live here, on earth. They don't have wings or bloody halo's... they're just themselves. They make a difference, make you smile, make you laugh, make you cry. They're the light in the dark. But they change peoples lives, sometimes save their lives too. I think if you want to be an angel, you have to do it when your alive. Do good things, be a good person, come home to see your mum even though your dads crazy." She smiled, softly cupping my cheek. "You're my angel Adelynn, you always will be."

"I don't think so..."

"I do. You're the only reason I'm still here. You saved my life Adelynn, and you weren't even trying. And I really think Roger's your angel. He found you in that little bar and lit up your life." I had no reaction to what she's said, only a realisation in my mind. Not one in regards to Roger either, who I instantly kicked out of my mind when I knew the words she told to be the complete truth.

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